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Public Expression


Brigham Young University–Hawaii ("BYU–Hawaii" or "university") aims to provide a university education in an atmosphere that nurtures spiritual growth and a strong testimony of the divinity of Jesus Christ. This atmosphere is preserved through commitment to conduct that reflects the ideals, principles, and doctrine of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (“Church”).


The university campus is not a public forum. However, consistent with its intellectual climate, the university permits responsible public expression, events, and speakers. To prevent these activities from disrupting or opposing the purposes and uses of the university campus, all public expression events and speakers at those events must be organized and approved in accordance with applicable university policies.


 3.1 University-Affiliated Organizations and Individuals

University-affiliated organizations that desire to engage in open public expression on campus such as rallies, gatherings, or other coordinated group expression with or without pre-selected speakers for the purpose of petition signing, protest, demonstration, or other public expression must complete a Request for Public Expression proposal and meet with the campus life director (or his/her designee). University-affiliated organizations include chartered student clubs and associations, academic faculty units, and administrative departments.

All university-affiliated individuals who wish to engage in open public expression on campus must work through a university-affiliated organization. University-affiliated individuals include faculty, staff, and students.


3.2 Organizations and Speakers Not Affiliated with the university

Individuals or organizations not affiliated with the university may not engage in open public expression on campus except as part of a university-approved open-public-expression event that is sponsored by a university-affiliated organization. If a non-university-affiliated individual or a representative of a non-university-affiliated organization participates in a sponsored open- public-expression event, he or she cannot use or promote the name of an individual or group without specific approval by the campus life director (or his/her designee).

The general purposes and past activities of the non-university-affiliated individual or organization may not be antagonistic to or oppose or deride the principles, doctrine, and/or general leadership of the Church.

3.3 Approval of Requests for Public Expression

The completed Request for Public Expression proposal will be reviewed by the campus life director (or his/her designee), and the submitting university-affiliated organization will be notified within five working days whether the event is approved, approved with conditions, or denied.

The following public expression standards will be considered when processing a Request for Public Expression:

3.3.1 Content Standards

The event or expression must not seriously and adversely affect the university mission or the Church. Examples would include events or expression that:

  • contradicts or opposes, rather than analyzes or discusses, fundamental Church doctrine or policy;
  • deliberately attacks or derides the Church or its leaders; or
  • violates the Church Educational System Honor Code.

3.3.2 Time, Place, and Manner Standards

  • The event or expression must not prevent or disrupt the effective carrying out of university functions or activities, such as classes, lectures, meetings, ceremonies, performances, other public events, or the conduct of university business in university offices.
  • The event or expression must not obstruct the legitimate movement of any person or vehicle about campus, movement in any university building, or access to any university building.
  • The event or expression must not be violent, a threat to individual or public health or safety, or destructive or defacing of university or personal property.
  • Unauthorized signage, displays or event materials may not be posted or exhibited on campus.
  • The requested time and place must be available, adequate, and appropriate for the type of event planned.
  • The event must conform to the size of the location in which it is placed.
  • Structures must not be constructed or placed at the event.
  • Only one event may be held in a specific location at one time. Events scheduled for the same time must be located at least 100 yards apart.
  • Unless specifically approved by the campus life director (or his/her designee), event and expressions must not use sound amplification equipment.

Once approval is granted, the event must occur in the time, place, and manner approved and within the content standards of this policy. If a request is denied, the office of the campus life director will provide the reason(s) in writing to the applicant. Denied requests may be resubmitted in amended form.

3.3.3 Public Expression Request

Public expressions proposals should be submitted no later two weeks prior to the requested date.

3.4 Written Materials

Written materials (flyers, posters, bumper stickers, pins, literature, films, etc.) are a form of public expression and thus need approval using the request for public expression form and must follow time, place, and manner standards.  Distribution of written materials is restricted to approved university sponsored activities. No other groups or organizations may distribute or display material on campus.

Posting of written materials is restricted to designated locations (See Advertising on Campus policy). The use of the university identity on written materials (name, logos, etc.) is only done by permission (See Use of University Identity policy)

3.5 Enforcement

The university may monitor and record all public expression for compliance with university policy. Violations of university policy may result in termination of the event, discipline of an individual and/or an organization including and up to expulsion and being banned from campus, and other appropriate action. Those who violate federal or state laws or local ordinances may be subject to arrest.



Policy Owner: Campus Life Director

Executive Sponsor: Student Life Vice President

Created: 05/27/2021

Last review: 3/7/2024
Next review: 05/21/2027

Last Modified: 3/7/2024

Full revision history maintained by the Office of Compliance & Ethics.