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Advertisements on Campus

1. Purpose

Marketing and advertising at Brigham Young University–Hawaii (“BYU–Hawaii” or “university”) serve as a means of communication for university services, events, and activities. It is crucial that they adhere to the university’s brand standards and the guidelines set forth herein to advance the institution’s mission and values effectively.

2. Policy

University departments, programs, and offices may distribute appropriate advertisements using university-approved communication channels as part of their communication efforts. Displaying or distributing advertisements for outside entities is not appropriate unless approved by the President's Council.

3. Implementation

3.1 Definitions

3.1.1 Digital Advertising

A form of marketing through online channels. University-approved digital communication channels are:

  • Digital signage 
  • myBYUH platform 
  • Social media (see Social Media Use policy
  • Video 
  • University bulletins 
  • University event calendar 
  • University email 
  • University websites 

3.1.2 Print Advertising

A form of advertising that uses physical printed media to reach a specific audience. University-approved print advertising channels include:

  • Banners 
  • Booths 
  • Brochures 
  • Flyers 
  • Posters 
  • Sidewalk signs 
  • Table Tents 

Please note that Marketing and Communications strongly encourages using digital communications over print advertising.

3.1.3 Banners

Large format, printed advertisements for outdoor display.

3.1.4  Flyer

Printed handouts to give directly to individuals.

3.1.5 Poster

A printed advertisement typically at tabloid size (11” x17”) put on display.

3.1.6 Table Tents

Printed self-standing advertisements left on tables in indoor lounging areas.

3.2 Digital Preference

The university strongly recommends and encourages digital communications. Though there are many ways to advertise on campus and both digital and printed options are offered, digital advertising is much more time and cost-efficient, reduces paper waste, and is easy to update, distribute, and take down.

The marketing and communication channels have unique procedures and requirements. Please visit Marketing and Communications for the most current information.

3.3 Department Responsibilities

Departments are responsible for displaying posters and table tents in approved spaces and removing them when the event has ended or no longer needs to be displayed.

  1. Departments are required to seek permission to use spaces managed by other departments. For example, if you wish to put a poster on the bulletin board in the Heber J. Grant Building, you must communicate with the Faculty of Business & Government. If you want to put table tents on the tables in the Aloha Center, you must communicate with the staff at the Aloha Center Information Desk. Failure to communicate with the department could lead to removal and discarding.  
  2. Taping posters or flyers on non-designated locations, including but not limited to doors, windows, bathroom mirrors and stalls, building walls, and hallways, is prohibited. They must be posted in designated areas such as bulletin boards and display cases. Such posters will be removed by Campus Maintenance and discarded. 
  3. Advertisements with offensive content or imagery, imagery displaying dress and grooming inconsistent with the CES Honor Code, or using an unapproved department logo will be removed by Marketing and Communications, and the department will be notified of the violation. 

3.4 Endorsement

A university department, program, or office must endorse all marketing and advertising content. Flyers from outside entities, including personal flyers or notes, are prohibited.

  1. Sales and solicitations by outside businesses, agencies, individuals, and for-profit and not-for-profit organizations are prohibited.  
  2. Personal flyers and notes such as birthday announcements, looking for a roommate, looking for a lost item, etc., are prohibited.   
  3. Advertisements from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are exceptions. 
  4. Advertisements not sponsored or hosted by a BYUH department can use the community board in the Aloha Center, managed by the staff at the Aloha Center Information Desk. 
  5. Advertisements regarding off-campus job postings must be given to Human Resources to add to their off-campus job bulletin board. 
  6. The logos of off-campus organizations may be used for academic experiences and employment opportunities. However, somewhere in the advertisement, it must mention which BYUH department supports and distributes the message.  

3.5 Banner placement

Banners must be displayed at approved spaces only as coordinated by University Scheduling.

  1. Departments must follow the process to reserve a space in an approved location. Requests for an exception must be sent for review to Marketing and Communications. 
  2. Banner advertisements from outside organizations utilizing the Cannon Activities Center (CAC) for an event are an exception. However, they may only use the designated CAC banner location. It is still required for outside organizations to follow our process for reservations and design approvals. They are not required to include a BYUH logo on their banner or print it at Print Services. 

4. Related Policies and Procedures


Policy Owner: Digital Communications Manager

Executive Sponsor: Advancement Vice President

Created: 3/11/2024

Last Modified: 11/14/2024
Last Reviewed: 3/12/2024
Next Review: 2/9/2026

Full revision history is maintained by the Office of Compliance & Ethics.