All writing styles are found on the University Communications website and are enforced when publishing on Brightspot.
For each policy that is published in Brightspot, each will have four sections that all make up the policy. Breaking a policy and procedure into subsections can help you as the writer to explain in detail what the policy and procedure is. If, you are going to have a subheading, remember to add numbers to keep it organized. Look at the structure of policy page for reference.
When writing policy and referring to the university, departments, or job titles, it is important to know the correct way of referring to departments or individuals to ensure accuracy.
Names and Job Titles of Employees
If you need the official name of an employee and their job title(s), refer to Workday. Job titles and names can be corrected through the Workday system and then approved by Human Resources.
University Name
When writing the university name, always make sure to represent it consistently. The three appropriate uses of the name are as follows:
Brigham Young University–Hawaii
Uses an en dash (–); Do not use an em dash (—), hyphen (-), or space.
Used when first referring to the university name in any official communication piece, and whenever possible in subsequent references.
Uses an en dash (–); Do not replace with an em dash (—), or space.
Acceptable on second reference.
Only the acronym, no dash.
Do not use BYU-H or BYU–H.
Avoid using in official publications and correspondences.
Posting of Policies
All policies that are posted to the university policy website are uploaded through BYU Brightspot. When a policy has been written and has met the requirements for writing styles and approved. Then it can be published to Brightspot. Ensure that all writing has met the guidelines of university communications.
Once all guidelines have been met and approved by the department manager, then the policy is set to be published to Brightspot. Any future changes of the policy will need to go through the same approval process and previous versions achieve.