Student Activities Skip to main content

Student Activities


This policy applies to all activities at Brigham Young University–Hawaii ("BYU–Hawaii" or "university") targeting a general student population.


Student Leadership & Service is primarily responsible for providing campus-wide social and service activities.

Other departments may conduct programs/activities within the scope of their stewardship as approved by their respective university vice president and Scheduling Board.

3. Implementations

3.1 Definitions

3.1.1 Student group

Any student or group of students, formal or informal, desiring to organize or hold an activity.

3.2 Student Groups

Student groups (e.g., clubs, international associations, academic societies, class groups, student chapters, informal student groups) desiring to hold a campus wide activity should work through Student Leadership & Service.

Student organizations or groups desiring to sponsor events involving off-campus speakers, performers, or venues, must obtain written permission from their respective university vice president and the university scheduling board prior to extending an invitation.

3.3 Off-campus organizations

Off-campus organizations or student groups desiring to collect donations or charge fees for events must have permission from the President’s Council.

Off-campus groups desiring to hold a social or service activity primarily targeting students should work through the BYU–Hawaii Service Center and student life vice president.

3.4 University-wide Speakers

Any university-wide speaker needs to be approved by the Board of Trustees.



Policy Owner: Campus Life Director
Executive Sponsor: Student Life Vice President

This policy replaces policy VI.E
Original Approval by President's Council: 09/01/2000

Modified: 02/07/2022

Full revision history maintained by the Office of Compliance & Ethics.