Naming of Buildings and Programs Skip to main content

Naming of Buildings and Programs


Brigham Young University–Hawaii (“BYU–Hawaii” or “university”) takes care and consideration in choosing a name for a building, program or scholarship. This policy defines the process of approval before a name is used.


All names of programs or physical facilities must be approved by the Board of Trustees. At the present time, we have been asked to avoid naming such programs or facilities after people.  If an issue of naming were to be raised, it would need to go first to the President’s Council, then to the Commissioner of the Church Educational System, and then to the Executive Committee and the Board of Trustees.


3.1 Buildings

Generally, buildings, or portions of buildings, will not be named after persons who have donated money for their construction. Approval for the placing of plaques may be given by the Commissioner of Church Educational System (”Commissioner”). 

Special circumstances may justify the naming of a building after a person who has donated money toward its construction. These rare cases may be brought to the Board of Trustees for their consideration in advance of any commitment.

3.2 Programs

Programs may be named for donors, or persons nominated by donors, where there is an appropriate relationship between the objectives of the program and accomplishments or interests of the individual whose name is used, and where prior clearance is obtained by the Board of Trustees.

3.3 Scholarships

Grants, scholarships and loan funds may carry the name of the donor, (or person nominated by the donor) as approved by the president. 



Policy Owner: University President

Executive Sponsor: University President

Created: 03/07/2014
Last Review: 03/04/2025
Next Review: 11/19/2027

Last Modified: 03/04/2025

Full revision history maintained by Human Resources.