Facility Management Skip to main content

Facility Management


This policy provides guidance on the appropriate use of and control over facilities at Brigham Young University–Hawaii ("BYU–Hawaii" or "university").


  1. The property (land, buildings, machinery, equipment, and other assets) of BYU–Hawaii will be allocated, under the direction of the Board of Trustees, to optimize its value in fulfilling the mission and underlying strategic plans of the university. The directives of the Board of Trustees will be implemented and administered by the president of the university with the assistance of the President’s Council and other officers of the university as appropriately designated.
  2. Facilities Management receives an appropriation each year to cover the cost of cleaning and maintenance of the appropriated buildings and grounds at the university. Work provided by Facilities Management for auxiliaries, other non-appropriated departments and non-university groups is charged to those entities. In addition, all departments, whether appropriated or auxiliary, that request services above and beyond the routine maintenance and cleaning are charged for those services.
  3. In addition to the operating budget appropriations, the university requests funds and for capital construction, remodeling and replacement projects as determined by the President’s Council. Facilities Management is given the responsibility to determine needs and recommend solutions with appropriate budgets to the President’s Council. Once approved by the President’s Council, the requests are submitted to the Board of Trustees and the Budget and Appropriations Committee of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints ("Church") for approval.

The President’s Council has the responsibility for the administration of the procedures which allocate the physical facilities of the university. It also determines which spaces and facilities may be scheduled for extracurricular activities (this includes classrooms, when not scheduled for courses).

The operations vice president will direct the administration of facilities, construction, scheduling and maintenance. He is also the chair for the Facilities Projects Committee.

The Facilities Management director will supervise facilities scheduling and maintenance. Additionally, the position is responsible for the gathering, analysis and reporting of data relative to facilities quality and utilization.

The scheduling officer is responsible to coordinate and schedule the usage of classrooms, laboratories, offices and other physical facilities as directed by the above.

Facilities Management is responsible for the preparation and maintenance of the physical facilities and works under the direction of the Facilities Management Director.

The Calendaring Board recommends and implements policies regarding scheduling of space and facilities for extracurricular activities and events. They also coordinate and manage the university’s master calendar, according to priorities and guidelines approved by President’s Council.




Policy Owner: Facilities Management Director

Executive Sponsor: Operations Vice President

Created: 11/11/2011
Last Reviewed:
Next Review: 08/13/2027

Full revision history maintained by the Office of Compliance & Ethics.