Social Media Use Skip to main content

Social Media Use


The use of social media is increasingly common for university departments, students, and employees and has become a communication tool that has the potential to initiate a valuable impact on organizational and professional reputations. The purpose of this policy and its related application process is to ensure that all social media interactions on behalf of Brigham Young University–Hawaii (“BYUH” or “University”) accurately represent the university’s interests, and that individuals who manage BYUH social media accounts have the authority and approval to do so.


BYUH recognizes the need for a strong presence on social media. The university permits departments and campus entities, when the need exists, to be active on social media. This policy is intended to help Users properly portray, promote, and protect the university and to assist BYUH departments in creating and maintaining their social media accounts. This policy also provides suggestions on how to protect personal and professional reputations while using Social Media. This policy requires that:

  1. All social media accounts for the university be registered and approved through the official review process set forth herein.
  2. All BYUH social media content managers fulfill ongoing responsibilities and yearly audits.


3.1 Definitions

3.1.1 Content Editor

A person submitting content to any social media platform through a BYUH Social Media Account.

3.1.2 Content Manager

A non-student, full-time employee of BYUH who oversees and maintains a BYUH social media account. These individuals also serve as the main point of contact with Marketing and Communications.

3.2 Procedures

To maintain brand unity and ensure all BYUH social media content supports the missions, values, and culture of BYUH, all social media accounts associated with the university are required to adhere to the following procedures:

  1. Register the account with Marketing and Communications
  2. Complete a training course through Marketing and Communications annually
  3. Receive final approval to post content from the area/department’s content manager

Each social media account will be subject to semester reviews and annual audits by Marketing and Communications. Failure to meet the following standards may result in the BYUH social media account being deleted or removed.

3.3 Registration of Accounts

The following requirements apply to all BYUH social media accounts:

  1. Those who wish to manage or open a social media account on behalf of a university department/entity must first check for existing accounts to avoid duplications and see if the potential account could partner with another campus department.
  2. Identify two full-time employees to act as content managers.
  3. Content editors and managers review university social media guidelines and complete the social media training provided by Marketing and Communications.
  4. Register the new account with Marketing and Communications by filling out the official registration form.
  5. All officially recognized BYUH social media accounts will be publicly listed on the BYUH social media website maintained by Marketing and Communications.
  6. Student organizations, such as approved on-campus clubs, must be registered through BYUH’s Student Leadership & Service office before creating club social media accounts. Student Leadership & Service is responsible for maintaining these social media accounts.

3.4 Guidelines for Content

  1. Content managers are expected to adhere to the same standards of conduct when communicating online via BYUH social media accounts as they would in the workplace. Laws and policies workplace conduct, contracting, and conflict interest, as well as applicable policies and guidelines for interacting with students, parents, alumni, donors, media, and others apply online and in the social media context just as they do in personal interactions.
  2. Content editors and managers should use good judgment about content and respect privacy laws.
  3. Content editors and managers should post only content that follows University policy and applicable social media terms and conditions and that is not threatening, obscene, defamatory, retaliatory, or otherwise injurious or illegal.
  4. Content editors and managers must comply with copyright and other intellectual property laws. By posting content to any Social Media site, the user represents that the user owns or otherwise has all the rights necessary to lawfully use that content or that the use of the content is permitted by fair use. If one is unsure whether certain content is protected by privacy or intellectual property laws, he or she should err on the safe side and create original content.
  5. Representation of personal opinions as being considered or endorsed by the University or any of its departments is prohibited. BYUH’s name, logos, or marks should not be used to personally endorse any product, private business, social cause, or political campaign.
  6. Social media accounts are most useful when content is posted regularly (minimum of one post a week), and they portray the reality of the department they represent. Content managers should ensure content is current and useful to the student body or target audience and that comments and questions posted by others to the account are replied to in a timely fashion.

3.5 Ongoing Responsibilities and Yearly Audits

Content managers have the following responsibilities:

  1. Train all new content editors when hired and direct them to the online training.
  2. Ensure all content editors who oversee or maintain a social media account review social media training annually.
  3. Require all social media content to be reviewed and approved through a workflow process and/or program by a content manager before publishing.
  4. Terminate access to content editors and managers who are no longer employed by the represented account’s department/area.
  5. Archive or delete inactive social media accounts.



Policy Owner: Social Media Manager

Executive Sponsor: Advancement Vice President

Created: 06/27/2011
Last Reviewed: 11/28/2023
Next Review 10/15/

Last Modified: 11/14/2024

Full revision history maintained by the Office of Compliance & Ethics.