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The purpose of this policy is to provide basic definitions and rules for course registration, curriculum completion, and graduation at Brigham Young University–Hawaii (“BYU-Hawaii” or “university”).


To receive a bachelor’s degree from Brigham Young University–Hawaii, students must complete a minimum of 120 credit hours of instruction that includes sufficient English proficiency and completion of current core, Holokai programs, religious education, and residency requirements as specified in the official university catalog in effect at the time the student first matriculates. Alternatively, students may elect to apply graduation requirements installed at a date after first matriculation. The various rules associated with completing these requirements are outlined below.


3.1 Academic Credit

A student may earn academic credit that will be recognized by the university in the following ways:

  1. Complete work in regular academic courses offered at BYU–Hawaii.
  2. Transfer credit from courses completed at an accredited college or university. The transferability of these courses and the amount of credit awarded is determined by the Ho’okele Office according to procedures explained on the Ho’okele Department and Academic Advising websites. Students are required to submit transcripts for all college-level coursework completed elsewhere upon application for admission to the university.
    1. Fulfillment of specific program requirements (majors, minors, and certificates) is evaluated under the direction of the dean of the faculty unit responsible for the program.
    2. Fulfillment of general university graduation requirements by transfer courses is evaluated by a three-person committee consisting of the registrar, the advisement manager, and the associate academic vice president for curriculum and assessment.
  3. Complete Advanced Placement (AP) examinations, with satisfactory scores. AP scores are evaluated as transfer credit in the Ho’okele office, and current standards for AP credit are listed on the Ho’okele website.
  4. Obtain credit for foreign language courses by successfully completing a test from Foreign Language Achievement Testing Services (note that credit obtained through this test may not fulfill specific program requirements; check the current catalog for details). Credit for English as an International Language (EIL) can be acquired by non-native speakers of English depending on the English Language level they demonstrate through proficiency exams on arrival at the university.
  5. Serve in the armed forces. A Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services, published by the American Council on Education, has been adopted by BYU–Hawaii as a basis for evaluating college-level training and experiences in the armed forces. Students desiring credit should bring their military service DD-214 form to the Ho’okele Office.

3.2 Registration

3.2.1 Eligibility

To be eligible to register for and enroll in classes during the next semester, students must:

  1. have received an official letter of acceptance from the university or been enrolled either full-time or part-time during the previous semester,
  2. be free from any registration restrictions or holds,
  3. have not yet reached the end of their time allotment (Section 3.5).

3.2.2 Credit Hour Definition

Generally, a credit hour is defined as one hour (50 minutes) of in-class instruction plus a minimum of two hours of additional student work per week for fifteen weeks (including final exams week) each semester, or the equivalent amount of work over a different length of time (e.g. spring semester).

At least an equivalent amount of work as designated in the previous paragraph is required for other academic activities as established by the institution including laboratory work, internships, practicums, studio work, and other academic work leading to the award of credit hours.

Full-time status is defined as 12 or more credits for fall and winter semesters and 8 or more credits for spring semester.

3.2.3 Registration Procedure

Students register online in the Student Center on the university website (hereafter “Student Center”). Registration is based on a priority system that allows students to begin registration according to their class standing or number of completed hours. Priority begins with seniors who have applied to graduate, then seniors and EIL students, then juniors, then sophomores, and then freshmen. Students enrolled in Educational Outreach may register 30 days prior to the beginning of the semester. Assigned enrollment dates may be verified online in the Student Center. Detailed instructions for the registration procedure are available on the Advisement pages in the university website.

Every student attending classes at BYU–Hawaii must register and pay tuition. Attendance in classes without official registration is not permitted and will result in forfeiture of any right or credit in that class.

Financial holds, vaccination/health restrictions, and all other registration holds must be cleared prior to registration. A student is not considered registered unless all phases of admissions and registration involved have been satisfactorily accomplished. New international non-native English speakers will be registered by Academic Advisors after completion of placement testing.

3.2.4 Changes in Registration (Add/Drop)

Changes in registration may be made during the self-serve add/drop period (first three days of class) without charge. The computer registration system may be used for executing changes during this time. If a class is closed, a student may still add it by submitting to the academic advisor or Office of the Registrar written permission from the instructor.

Classes may also be added during the one-week exceptions period (the seven calendar days after the self-serve add/drop period is over) with written permission from the instructor submitted to the academic advisor or the Office of the Registrar.

Classes may be dropped until the Withdrawal Period begins. A $10 fee will be charged for each class dropped after the first three days of school, including second session (block) classes.

Students are responsible for dropping classes, withdrawing from classes after the drop period is finished, or discontinuing from the university to avoid receiving an F on their academic record for not completing the class requirements. For example, classes are not dropped automatically for non-payment of tuition.

3.2.5 Course Numbering System

1 to 100: Pre-college level courses.

100 to 299 (lower division): Courses intended primarily for freshmen and sophomores.

300 to 499 (upper division): Courses intended primarily for juniors and seniors.

Section numbers of a given course may also contain the following additional information:

Sections 1–99 indicate a face-to-face on-campus instruction mode.

Section 100-199 indicate a hybrid mode of instruction meaning a combination of face-to-face and online instruction.

Sections 200–299 indicate online courses with a required on-campus component.

3.2.6 Withdrawal from a Class

Any student withdrawing from individual classes after the drop period and during the withdrawal period (see the academic calendar for deadlines) must contact the instructor of the class with the appropriate form and complete the withdrawal procedure. No withdrawals are permitted after the established deadline. Based on the student’s academic performance to that date, the professor will assign either a W (passing at the time of withdrawal) or WF (failing at the time of withdrawal). A student who does not withdraw properly will receive an F grade. The WF is also calculated as a failing grade and may affect a student’s academic standing.

If withdrawing from a class reduces the number of enrolled credits below the threshold for full-time status, eligibility for Federal Financial Aid and university student benefits are impacted. International students may not withdraw from classes if doing so places them out of status.

3.2.7 Repeated Classes

BYU–Hawaii Classes: Students may repeat as many classes as they choose if they are able to complete all graduation requirements within the allotted time. Online and face-to-face courses from BYU–Hawaii are treated the same.

Transfer Credit: For a transfer grade to be replaced, the student must repeat that course at the institution where the original course was taken and then transfer the credit to BYU–Hawaii. If a class taken at a different institution is repeated at BYU–Hawaii, the transfer record of the previous class will be adjusted to show it as an elective class.

In all cases of courses repeated for credit, the most recent grade will replace the previous grade, whether it is higher or lower.

3.2.8 Classes Taken by Audit

Students who wish to audit a class (take a course without receiving any credit for it) may register or add the class on the first day of the semester by submitting an add/drop form signed by the instructor to the Office of the Registrar after the semester has begun. The add/drop form must indicate the student’s desire to take it as an audit. These classes appear as a “V” on the student’s transcript and do not affect a student’s grade point average. Students must be officially enrolled to be eligible to audit classes. The charge for auditing classes is the same as for credit classes.

3.2.9 Semester Credit Overload Policy

An undergraduate student in good academic standing may register for as many as 18 hours of credit in fall or winter semester or 12 hours in spring semester by following the regular registration procedure. Credit hours taken in excess of 18 for fall and winter or 12 for spring are considered credit overload. All credit overloads require the permission and signature (on an add/drop form) of the student’s major program dean.

3.3 Double Counting

There are no limits on the number of courses that may count toward completing requirements for multiple programs.

However, students are not awarded both a major and a minor in the same subject. If they complete the requirements for both, only the major is awarded. Likewise, when minors are completely embedded within a major, the minor is awarded when the student meets the requirements for the minor but not the major. When the requirements for both are completed, only the major is awarded.

Double-counting between the same major/minor and certificate is allowed and the certificate is awarded in addition to the major or minor when requirements for both are completed.

3.4 Academic Standing

3.4.1 Classification by Credits Earned

Freshman: 0 to 29 credits
Sophomore: 30 to 59 credits
Junior: 60 to 89 credits
Senior: 90 or more credits

3.4.2 Grade Rules

The following letter grades are given at the university. The grade point average (GPA) is computed by using the numeric values indicated.

Grade GPA
A 4.00
A– 3.70
B+ 3.40
B 3.00
B– 2.70
C+ 2.40
C 2.00

Grade GPA
C– 1.70
D+ 1.40
D 1.00
D– 0.70
F 0.00
WF 0.00

Other marks that may be given are: I (Incomplete), NS (Grade Not Submitted), P (Passing), NP (Not Passing), T (Course Work in Progress), W (Withdrawn), and V (Audit).

The I Grade

The I grade indicates that the required work for a class has not yet been completed and is given only when extenuating circumstances beyond the control of the student make it impossible to complete the required work within the prescribed time. Students do not re-register to complete a course for which an I grade was recorded. Arrangements for an I grade must be made between the instructor and the student prior to the end of the semester.

An I grade form specifying the work to be completed and the deadline for completion (up to a maximum of one year), prepared by the instructor and approved by the appropriate dean of the faculty, must be turned in to the Office of the Registrar no later than one week after grades are due. The I grade is never given when a student is failing or has failed a course.

A Grade Change Authorization form is processed through the Office of the Registrar on completion of the course work. The I is not computed in the grade point average until one year has elapsed, at which time it is computed as an F if the course requirements have not yet been completed. The due date for course completion may be extended only with the approval of the instructor.

The NS Grade

When a faculty member does not submit a final grade by the specified deadline, the grade of NS is posted by the Office of the Registrar on the student’s official record. An NS grade does not affect a student’s final grade or the grade point average. However, the student does not earn any credit for the course as long as the NS grade remains. The NS grade may affect scholarships, financial aid, housing, graduation status, and transcripts. Instructors are responsible for changing the NS designation to the proper final grade through a Grade Change Authorization form.

P and NP Grades

The P grade indicates successful completion of a course for which the pass/not-pass grade rule is designated. A P grade is received if students’ work in the course is rated as equivalent to C or better. If the work is not rated at this level, NP will appear on the permanent record. The P and NP are not included in the computation of the grade point average.

The T Grade

A grade of T indicates course work in progress and is only used in 399R and other internship courses in which work may extend beyond the semester. The T grade may be changed to A, B, C, D, F, P, or NP, depending on the grade rule for the course, when the work is completed. A T grade does not affect a student’s GPA until one year has elapsed, at which time it is computed as an F or NP (failing grade) if the course requirements have not been completed. The due date for course completion may be extended only with the approval of the instructor.

W and WF Grades

Courses discontinued officially up to the 5th week (fall and winter semesters) or 3rd week (spring semester) do not appear on students’ permanent records. From the 6th week through the 9th week (fall and winter) or 4th through 5th week (spring), the instructor reports to the Office of the Registrar the student’s grade status (passing or failing) at the time of the withdrawal. A grade of W is entered on the record of students who are passing the course at the time of withdrawal, and a WF is recorded for those who are failing. The W is not used in computing the student’s GPA. WF is counted as 0.00 grade points in the calculation of the cumulative GPA.

Grade Reports

Grades are available to students via their Student Center at the end of each semester.

3.4.3 Academic Standing

A. EIL Academic Progression

  • Students may progress four levels of EIL depending on initial placement.
  • Student's failure to progress to the next level will result in EIL probation.
  • Student's failure of a second attempt in the same EIL level will result in EIL Suspension.

Note: EIL Probation or Suspension takes precedence over Grade Probation/Suspension until students have completed the EIL program.

B. Grade Probation

Students are placed on grade probation when they fall into any of the following categories:

  1. A Student's Cumulative GPA is less than 2.0.
  2. Student semester GPA is less than 1.7 regardless of Cumulative GPA.

Students on grade probation are subject to the following consequences and corrective processes:

  1. Students are required to meet with the Center for Academic Success to develop a plan for academic improvement. Enrollment and successful completion of STDEV 101R is expected from all academic probation students.
  2. Students who fail to meet with the Center will have a hold placed on their registration.

The intent of this policy is to ensure that the student has the support needed to improve their academic performance and to make progress related to raising the Cumulative GPA and/or semester GPA above 2.0. Working with the Center for Academic Success is required. Failure to progress will result in grade suspension the following semester.

A student's Grade Probation semester counts as a student's appeal semester and is their opportunity to demonstrate improvement. For this reason, no appeal is allowed if suspended.

Role of Faculty Members

Due to the short number of days between semesters, it is critical for faculty to submit grades within the established time frame to give the Office of the Registrar twenty-four hours to notify students of grade probation status.

C. Continued Grade Probation

After a semester of Grade Probation, while the Cumulative GPA is still below 2.0, a student may be placed on continued Grade Probation if their Semester GPA is greater than a 1.7 and student is showing progress towards a degree.

  • Students will remain on Continued Grade Probation until their Cumulative GPA is equal or greater than 2.0 while still showing progress.
  • Any subsequent semester with a Semester GPA less than 1.7 will result in Grade Suspension.

D. Grade Suspension

After a semester of Grade Probation. or Continued Grade Probation, a student maybe placed on grade suspension when any of the following occurs:

  • A student’s Cumulative GPA continues to be less than 2.0 and semester GPA is less than 1.7 for a second semester, then a student is placed on Grade Suspension and dismissed from the university.
  • Two semesters without academic progress also leads to Grade Suspension.
    • i.e. Two semesters of failing grades.
    • i.e. Two semester with Semester GPA’s less than 1.7 regardless of Cumulative GPA.
Official Consequences

A suspended student cannot register for any classes on campus and must be readmitted to the university to continue as a student. This includes but is not limited to registering for Education Outreach classes, taking classes at a reduced load, or for audit and taking classes as a part-time or non-degree seeking student. A suspended student may apply for readmission when the individual can provide evidence of being ready to return and engage in successful full-time study. The readmission may not be for a semester beginning sooner than one year after the start of the last semester attended before the suspension was executed.

Appealing Academic Suspensions

  • A student's Grade Probation semester counts as a student's appeal semester and is their opportunity to demonstrate improvement. For this reason, no appeal is allowed if suspended.

3.4.4 D Grades

University academic standing and graduation standards are based solely on GPA (2.0).

In addition, some degree programs limit the number of D grades allowed in order to complete major requirements. Rules regarding D grades in the majors are determined by the faculty units housing the major and approved by the University Curriculum Council.

There is no D grade limit for completing minors or certificates.

3.5 Allotment of Time

Students are expected to graduate within four consecutive years. Students may be permitted to complete their degree beyond four years if the relevant requirements are completed away from campus. (i.e., online courses at the end of their studies). Furthermore, the four-year limit may be extended to accommodate an internship for credit if the internship involves part-time enrollment or if the internship site is located outside the U.S. All other internships must be completed within the four years. The allotment of time is extended to accommodate a full-time mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Within this allotment of four years, students must progress towards a degree in order to maintain their eligibility to graduate in their desired major. Students who do not progress because of repeated failures are still required to finish within four years, but they may need to graduate with a different major or with an associate degree.

Students may choose to take elective courses, additional majors, or programs beyond those required to complete the Holokai requirements if these courses and programs can be completed within the allotment of time. Participation in these additional courses or programs is not acceptable as a justification for granting any additional allotment of time.

For students who test into intermediate-level EIL classes, the four-year allotment does not commence until the student completes two semesters of EIL or when the student begins Academic I Level coursework (whichever comes first).

The time allotment for students with previous college credit is prorated based on the principle of a four-year total following evaluation of credits accepted.

3.6 Leave of Absence and Discontinuance

BYU–Hawaii students are expected to attend classes during all three semesters each year. Requests for a leave of absence during one of the semesters must be approved by the Dean of Students. In general, these leaves of absence are intended for students experiencing medical conditions or psychological distress that make the leave in the student’s best interest. If a leave of absence is granted, that leave does not extend the student’s allotment of time to complete his or her studies. For example, a student with an allotment of four years must still finish within the same four years as though the leave had not been granted.

Discontinuing from the university consists of withdrawing from all classes in a semester. It is recommended that students counsel with instructors, academic advisors, financial aid counselors, international student counselors (for international students), or members of the Counseling Center before making the decision to discontinue. Students discontinuing their entire registration at the university may apply for discontinuance in the Student Center. Prior to requesting a discontinuance, students must check with the housing office regarding contractual obligations and the consequences that may occur by submitting a discontinuance.

All students leaving for one or more semesters without an approved leave of absence should discontinue enrollment. Those who have not registered for classes and have not notified the university regarding their absence will be discontinued automatically that semester.

Students who have discontinued from the university must apply for readmission before registering for courses and returning to study.

For financial information, see the sections under Discontinuance-Tuition Charge/Refund on the university’s tuition and fees webpage.

3.7 Completion of Discontinued Programs

If any academic program or degree is discontinued at BYU–Hawaii for any reason, provisions will be made for students impacted to complete their program in which they are currently enrolled within a reasonable time period. If the program is being replaced with a revised version, students are granted the option of completing the new version.

3.8 Graduation and Commencement

Students graduate at the end of the semester in which all graduation requirements are completed. Participation in Commencement does not mean the student has graduated.

Students may not enroll for additional semesters after they have graduated unless admitted to a post-baccalaureate program.

It is the student’s responsibility to complete all graduation requirements and comply with all university policies and procedures in order to graduate from BYU–Hawaii and receive a diploma.



Policy Owner: Associate Academic Vice President Accreditation Assessment and Curriculum

Executive Sponsor: Academic Vice President

Created: December 14, 2020

Last Modified: 02/03/2025
Last Reviewed: 9/26/2023
Next review: 04/7/2025

Full revision history maintained by the Office of Compliance & Ethics.