Ecclesiastical Visits in BYU–Hawaii Dorms Skip to main content

Ecclesiastical Visits in BYU–Hawaii Dorms


Residential Life realizes that ecclesiastical visits are a vital part of the spiritual and cultural well-being of students at Brigham Young University–Hawaii ("BYU–Hawaii" or "university"). We welcome visits from ecclesiastical leaders, as visits are balanced with our responsibility to provide a safe and private living space for students residing on the BYU–Hawaii campus. We ask that leaders make advanced preparation when possible, or provide a ministering schedule when planning to visit students in the BYU–Hawaii Hales and follow the policies set forth by the Residential Life Office.


Ecclesiastical leaders must make advanced preparations, whenever possible, to visit students living in BYU–Hawaii Hales. Ecclesiastical leaders should follow the policies set forth by the Residential Life Office in order to ensure students’ rights of privacy are maintained. Ecclesiastical visitors must check in with a Hale Resident Advisor Mentor (R.A.M.) or the on-call R.A.M. and use the appropriate space designated for visits. Leaders should refrain from going door-to-door in the Hales.


3.1 Entering dorm rooms

Bishops or other visitors are not permitted to enter the resident’s bedroom spaces while visiting and must be escorted by a Hale Parent or R.A.M. assigned by the Hale Parent throughout the dorm. The Hale Parent or an R.A.M. will meet the Bishop at the front door and escort them through the hale while visiting.

3.2 Students seeking blessings

Students may contact the R.A.M. R.A.M.or Hale Parent who will make a lounge or R.A.M. office space available for blessings. The R.A.M. or Hale Parent must be present when the Bishop arrives and when he leaves escorting him into the hale and out again. The R.A.M. or Hale Parent does not need to be present for the blessing unless invited. Except in emergencies, blessings may not be administered in the residents’ room, as these are shared private spaces. Leaders should not enter student rooms unless first cleared by the Hale Parent or the Residential Life Manager.

3.3 Bishop interviews

Bishops who seek to visit with students for interviews or other ecclesiastical matters should have students meet them at their respective offices as to not disturb residents who share the dorm room space.

3.4 Bishop visits over the holidays

Please arrange with the Residential Life Manager or Hale Parent. We welcome these visits when arranged.

3.5 Scheduled high council visits in the dorms

Please contact the Residential Life Manager to arrange a schedule for these visits for the semesters.

3.6 Group meetings

Hale’s 7, 8, 9 and 10 do not have a large lounge or meeting rooms. We invite visitors to utilize Hale 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 lounge spaces for meetings or other available accommodations on campus including the Aloha Center. Arrangements can be made with the Hale parent to use lounge spaces.



Policy Owner: Residential Living Manager

Executive Sponsor: Student Life Vice President

Created: 05/1/2017

Last Modified: 02/03/2025
Last Review: 05/01/2017
Next Review: 06/19/2025

Full revision history maintained by the Office of Compliance & Ethics.