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University Publications



Official publications of Brigham Young University–Hawaii ("BYU–Hawaii" or "university") are designed, developed, produced, and distributed with the goal of communicating the events, activities, and accomplishments of the university, and are consistent with furthering the mission and values of the university. Official publications are not to be used to further third-party or special interest groups.


Official university-approved publications include, but are not limited to:

  1. Campus News Center – Ke Alaka’i: Weekly print and daily online news of BYU–Hawaii, its students/faculty/staff, community, alumni, and other areas of interest.
  2. Employee Bulletin and Student Bulletin: Updates, announcements, and reminders for employees (Employee Bulletin) and students (Student Bulletin) of BYU–Hawaii. Sent daily via email.
  3. University Magazine: Annually/bi-annually print/electronic version; distributed to donors, alumni, and friends of BYU–Hawaii.
  4. Miscellaneous Marketing/Recruitment: Print and electronic publications of varying forms; must be cleared through Marketing and Communications.
  5. News/Press Releases: Periodic news releases and press releases are created by Marketing and Communications and distributed to local, national, and niche media outlets. All media interviews and outreach should be cleared through Marketing and Communications.

Other university-sponsored publications include, but are not limited to:

  1. Pacific Studies Journal: ​​​​​​​​​Academic journal dealing with the people of the Pacific Islands; approximately 500 copies are distributed internationally; subscription based; funded by the Islands Foundation.
  2. TESOL Journal: Literary journal.



Policy Owner: Communications and Marketing Director

Executive Sponsor: Advancement Vice President

Created: 09/01/2000

Last Modified: 11/14/2024
Last Updated: 10/02/2012
Next Update:

Full revision history maintained by the Office of Compliance & Ethics.