Residential Living Standards Skip to main content

Residential Living Standards

1. Purpose

Residential Living Standards at Brigham Young University–Hawaii (“BYU–Hawaii” or “university”) are based upon the belief that not all learning occurs in the classroom. Much can be learned in our places of worship, where we work, play, and live. Some conduct which may have been appropriate in the living situations where students resided before they arrived at the university may not always be appropriate or approved for residential living at BYU–Hawaii. Residential Living Standards foster respect for, cooperation with, and support of others. They allow roommates from diverse backgrounds to live together in harmony and peace and learn under the influence of the Holy Spirit.

2. Policy

BYU–Hawaii is committed to providing a learning atmosphere consistent with the principles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The university is likewise committed to creating such an atmosphere for students residing on and off campus and between semesters. To achieve this, BYU–Hawaii has established living standards to help students learn some of the high ideals and principles of behavior expected at the university. Therefore, BYU–Hawaii requires students to adhere to the following standards.

3. Implementation

3.1 Conduct

All enrolled students of BYU–Hawaii, whether on campus or off campus, are required to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the principles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the CES Honor Code.

Students are required to abstain from possessing, serving, or consuming alcoholic beverages, tobacco, tea, coffee, vaping, and illegal, recreational, or harmful drugs. Students are expected to avoid areas, parties, beach activities, or clubs where such substances are known to be present.

Students are required to abstain from gambling; pornographic, erotic, offensive, and indecent material; disorderly, obscene, offensive, and indecent expressions, or conduct; behavior leading to a disruption of the peace that, in the sole discretion and judgment of the university, is inconsistent with the principles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the CES Honor Code.

All guests of students must comply with Residential Living Standards while on campus and the premises of university-approved housing. Students are expected to help their guests and other residents understand and fulfill their Residential Living Standards and the CES Honor Code responsibilities. Approval forms must be submitted for all guest requests and are available at housing offices. BYU–Hawaii students failing to maintain the Residential Living Standards will be subject to disciplinary action by the university. Violations of these standards may be reported to the Office of Honor or the respective Residential Life department.

3.2 On-Campus

Residence Halls: Hales 1-10. Visitors of the opposite gender are permitted in the lounge and lobby but not in the residential living spaces or areas, including kitchens, bedrooms, and bathrooms. Visiting hours begin after 8 am and extend until 11:30 pm, Saturday through Thursday. Curfew on these nights is 12 am (midnight). On Friday night visiting hours extend until 1:30 am and curfew is 2 am. Students are required to “sign out” with their respective hale when not returning by curfew.

Opposite gender guests visiting in the residence of single-student parents living in TVA housing are not permitted in bathroom and bedroom areas while visiting, nor are they ever permitted to spend the night. They must leave TVA by curfew times, which is 12 am, Saturday through Thursday, and 2 am on Friday night.

Spouses of students living in TVA are required to know and abide by the CES Honor Code and Dress and Grooming Standards.

3.3 Off-Campus

Visitors of the opposite gender are permitted in living rooms and kitchens but not in the bedroom or bathroom areas in off-campus living units. Visiting hours may begin at 9 am. and extend until midnight. Friday night visiting hours may extend until 2 am. Landlords may establish a shorter visiting period if proper notice is given to residents. This policy applies to all housing units occupied by single students.

All enrolled students agree to follow the Residential Living Standards as part of the CES Honor Code. All tenants within BYU–Hawaii contracted housing agree to follow the Residential Living Standards as part of their Student-Landlord Rental Agreement. This includes tenants in contracted housing who are not BYU–Hawaii students. All single BYU–Hawaii students living outside of contracted housing with a waiver agree to follow the Residential Living Standards.

3.4 Residential Life

Residential Life is responsible to understand and enforce the CES Honor Code and to report alleged violations to the Office of Honor. Violations may result in the loss of campus housing and other sanctions.

4. Related Policies and Procedures


Policy Owner: Campus Life Director

Executive Sponsor: Student Life Vice President


Last Modified: 10/14/2024
Last Review: 10/11/2024
Next Review: 10/11/2026

Full revision history maintained by the Office of Compliance & Ethics.