Charitable Fund Raising Skip to main content

Charitable Fund Raising


Charitable fundraising initiatives for Brigham Young University–Hawaii ("BYU–Hawaii" or "university") are governed by Board of Trustee (Board) directives, Church Education System (CES) fundraising guidelines, and approved President/Board fundraising priorities.


All University fundraising efforts are coordinated through the President's Council and Philanthropies. Philanthropies is the department of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints ("Church") responsible for facilitating philanthropic donations (not tithing or fast offerings) to the Church and its affiliated charities.


3.1 Fund Raising Guidelines

In concert with these directives, guidelines, and priorities, the university engages in fundraising for;

a) Student Financial Aid, in other words, money paid to, or on behalf of students, for educational experiences, and which helps them pay for expenses related to their education. This includes, but is not limited to, scholarships, grants, fellowships, awards, and other financial support, which may include student wages where appropriate, for activities such as experiential learning, mentored-learning experiences, teaching assistantships, student research, research assistantships, internships, study abroad, work-study, travel, and participation in performing groups and competitions.

3.2 Capital Projects, as directed by the Board.

  1. Fundraising may not be used for tithing-based activities.
  2. Presidents may propose to the Board acceptance of a specific major restricted gift for university priorities as an exception to these guidelines.
  3. The university does not permit solicitation of charitable contributions on campus except as approved by the President's Council. Faculties, centers, departments, and individuals may not solicit unrestricted funds from prospective donors.
  4. Philanthropies may raise unrestricted annual fund donations and accept unrestricted major gifts on behalf of their institutions.
  5. All donated funds received by Philanthropies or university personnel are routed to Financial Services personnel for appropriate recording and reporting. Individuals receiving contributions on behalf of the university must follow established cash handling procedures. Philanthropies provides receipts to donors.
  6. All gift-in-kind (non-cash) donations such as vehicles, equipment, artwork, etc., must be approved in advance by the appropriate director/dean and vice-president before they are accepted or received. Authorization forms are available from Financial Services personnel.
  7. All donations must be expended or used in accordance with the donor's restrictions and intended purposes. The university may decline gifts based on restrictions that are not deemed appropriate or reasonable.
  8. University funds and university-owned materials and property, including surplus property, (see Surplus Property Policy), may not be donated to charitable causes without the permission of a member of the President's Council.
  9. Student Clubs and other university entities are not allowed to raise funds for charities. Any exception to this must be approved by the President's Council.
  10. Charitable drives to collect non-monetary contributions such as food, clothing, books, or supplies are subject to the same guidelines and approval process as fundraising activities.


Cash Handling
Surplus Property


Policy Owner: Financial Services Director

Executive Sponsor: Administrative Vice President

Approved by President’s Council: 02/03/2012

Modified: 05/2021

Full revision history maintained by the Office of Compliance & Ethics.