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Keys and Key Card Access


This policy is intended to provide guidance on the appropriate use of and control over access to the university buildings and property. Keys and key card access are used to control access to specific spaces by authorized personnel.


  1. The Housing Office will maintain records and implement this policy for university Housing. Facilities Management will maintain records and implement this policy for all other areas.
  2. Keys and key cards are university property.
  3. Duplicating, selling, and/or destroying keys and key cards are against university policy. The university will not issue multiple keys or key cards to the same individual for access to the same spaces.
  4. Key and key card access are granted to employees, students, and others as authorized by the respective college/department for spaces that the department is assigned to manage.
  5. Lost keys and any liability that is a result of the lost keys are the responsibility of the person or organization to which the keys are assigned.
  6. Access will be modified or terminated when personnel leave the university or no longer have a legitimate need to unlock and utilize space. Users will be required to return their access device to the university upon the termination of employment.
  7. Student access will normally be granted access to spaces for the duration of the semester and will need to be reactivated at the beginning of each new semester with appropriate approvals.


3.1 Definitions

“Authorized personnel” are employees or students of the university who have been given approval by an authorized agent of the university to unlock space in order to enter and utilize it. Other personnel including ecclesiastical leaders of campus stakes and wards, missionaries, volunteers, etc. may also be included in this definition of “authorized personnel” as needs arise.

  1. Keys are traditional metal keys that are cut in such a way as to allow traditional locks to be unlocked.
  2. Card keys are plastic cards that are digitally encoded to be used in a specific electronic lock or group of locks to unlock the associated door.



Policy Owner: Facilities Management Director

Executive Sponsor: Operations Vice President

Created: 11/11/2011

Last Modified: 01/31/2025
Last Reviewed: 02/20/2020
Next Review: 02/05/2026

Full revision history maintained by the Office of Compliance & Ethics.