IT Hardware and Software Purchasing Skip to main content

IT Hardware and Software Purchasing

1. Purpose

This policy ensures that all IT hardware, software, and technology-related services purchased with Brigham Young University ("BYU–Hawaii" or "university") funds are compatible with the technology environment and are cost effective.

2. Policy

The policy is effective for any hardware and software that requires technical support, connects to the BYU–Hawaii network, uses personal identifiable information (PII), and/or collects payment. It is intended to ensure:

  • Data security and privacy
  • All hardware and software will operate effectively in the university technology infrastructure.
  • The best pricing is received through consolidation of purchasing power.
  • There is a proper review of licensing agreements for all software.
  • There are clear expectations for technical support, maintenance, licensing, and network connectivity.
  • There is proper review of hardware and software to reduce duplication of functionality of existing hardware and software.

All annual hardware and software contract requests should be completed for (ANR) Annual Needs Review which starts in Jan-Feb for the following year. Any mid-year requests will only be considered if any of the following are met:

  • End of life *sunset of systems (hardware and software) 
  • Legal compliance 
  • Security and privacy
  • Change of university strategic direction

3. Implementation

3.1 Product Standards

Technologies should meet the following criteria before purchasing:

  • All hardware will operate effectively in the university technology infrastructure. 
  • All software is compatible with our systems and meets all data security and privacy requirements, data sharing agreements, and, where possible, takes advantage of already available tools and resources. 
  • The best pricing is received through consolidation of purchasing power. 
  • There is a proper review of licensing agreements for all software. 
  • There are clear expectations for technical support/maintenance, licensing, and network connectivity. 
  • Data security, accessibility, and privacy reviews have been completed. 
  • All technology aligns with the university and Church Educational System (CES) strategies. 

3.2 Collaboration

Prospective purchasers are expected to work with the Office of Information Technology (OIT), and Purchasing & Travel Services prior to completing the purchase requisition (PR). Corporate card purchases will be reviewed by OIT for violations. Violations of the policy may include having to cancel or return the purchase, losing Corporate Card privileges, not receiving support for equipment or software, or reimbursing university funds.

4. Related Policies and Procedures


Policy Owner: Chief Information Officer

Executive Sponsor: Operations Vice President

Created: 08/20/2012

Last Modified: 01/08/2025
Last Reviewed:01/07/2025
Next Review:01/07/2027

Full revision history maintained by the Office of Compliance & Ethics.