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Housing Assistance


In order for Brigham Young University–Hawaii ("BYU–Hawaii" or "university") to attract and retain qualified people for key positions, it is often beneficial to supplement a competitive compensation and benefits package with additional incentives to mitigate the cost of housing on Oahu. This policy delineates the benefits, eligibility criteria, conditions, and other factors that apply to the administration of the university’s housing assistance program.


University management is authorized to provide housing assistance benefits, within the boundaries established by this policy, to employees who fill certain university positions defined herein. This authorization is subject to the availability of funds and continuing approval of the Board of Trustees.



3.1.1 Primary Residence

A dwelling, such as a house, condominium, townhouse, or rental property (e.g., apartment, flat), used primarily as the employee’s primary residence where the employee lives for a majority of the year.

3.1.2 Housing Assistance

University-owned housing or rent subsidy payments in addition to salary offered by the university.

3.1.3 University-owned Housing

University-owned housing available for rent by university employees.

3.1.4 Housing Waitlist

A list of eligible employees requesting to rent university-owned housing prioritized by request and acceptance dates. Waitlists are defined by the number of bedrooms desired and housing category (townhomes, duplexes, etc.).


The university may offer eligible employees Housing Assistance, per the terms of this policy, to ameliorate the high cost of housing on Oahu. The benefit consists of a taxable, biweekly subsidy payment in addition to the employee’s salary. The amount is determined by the President’s Council and may be adjusted at any time relative to the real estate market. This amount may be used by the employee at their discretion.

The university reports all Housing Assistance payments to the IRS consistent with applicable laws and regulations.

The university does not guarantee access to university-owned housing or broker rental agreements with private owners. Employees are responsible to secure their own housing; however, the university may provide counsel to employees requesting information about local housing options.

3.2.1 Eligibility

Housing Assistance benefits are immediately available to actively employed full-time faculty members and management staff at the compensation grade level of 27 or higher. Housing Assistance may be offered to more than one employee in the same household. For example, if spouses sharing a Primary Residence are both eligible employees of the university, both will receive the housing subsidy benefit.

3.2.2 University-Owned Housing

Eligible employees may apply for rental of available university-owned housing as her/his Primary Residence by adding their name to the Housing Waitlist.

1. Waitlists

Employees may only be on one list at a time. Current employees may add their names to the waitlist at any time. New employees may add their names on the date they accept an offer of employment. Waitlists are prioritized by request and acceptance dates. When an employee is offered a home and chooses to reject the offer, the employee must reapply to be added to the bottom of the waitlist.

The university retains the right to manage the waitlists according to university priorities.


The renter of university-owned housing must sign a rental agreement and commit to abide by the terms, conditions, and rules established by university Housing for the occupancy of such property.

Subleasing a university-owned home is prohibited.

3.2.3 Leaves

As a general rule, the housing subsidy will continue to be paid as a benefit while employees are on paid leave including sabbatical, maternity, etc. The benefit will be suspended for periods of unpaid leave such as FMLA, mission and temple presidency service, etc. The benefit will be paid while an employee is on temporary disability; however, it will not be paid for employees on long-term disability.


Only the President’s Council may authorize exceptions to this policy.



Policy Owner: Human Resources Director

Executive Sponsor: Administrative Vice President

Created: 2/21/2019

Last Modified: 02/03/2025
Last Review:
Next Review:09/15/2025

Full revision history maintained by the Office of Compliance & Ethics.