Relocation Assistance Skip to main content

Relocation Assistance


This policy delineates the benefits, eligibility criteria, conditions, and other factors associated with the Brigham Young University–Hawaii ("BYU-Hawaii" or "university") relocation assistance program.


University management is authorized to provide relocation assistance to employees who fill positions deemed critical to the university, as defined herein. This authorization is subject to the availability of funds, President’s Council discretion, and continuing approval of the Board of Trustees.


3.1 Definitions

3.1.1 Relocation Assistance

Assistance provided by the university to help relocate an employee and her/his Family Members, household goods, and personal effects. This amount may or may not cover the full cost of relocation.

3.1.2 Family Members

For purposes of eligibility for relocation assistance, Family Members include the employee’s lawful spouse, unmarried children under age 26 claimed by the employee as dependents under IRS regulations, and unmarried children 26 years of age or older who are incapable of self-support because of mental or physical incapacity and are wholly dependent upon the employee for support. The term “children” includes legally adopted children, children committed by a court of law to the custody of the employee or employee’s spouse, and children placed with the employee under the direction of a duly licensed child placement agency.

In order for Family Members to count toward the employee relocation assistance described in this policy, they must reside with the employee at the time the assistance is to be provided.

3.2 Relocation Assistance

3.2.1 Eligibility for Initial Employment Relocation Assistance

An employee and her/his Family Members are eligible for initial employment Relocation Assistance specified in Section 3.2.2 when the employee is offered and accepts a regular full-time faculty position or administrative position at grade level 24 or above.

3.2.2 Initial Employment Relocation Assistance

At the time of hire, an eligible employee may receive initial employment Relocation Assistance as follows: Travel Allowance

Travel Services will provide a one-way airline ticket to Honolulu for the employee and the employee’s Family Members from an airport convenient to the employee’s primary residence at the time an offer of employment with the university is accepted. Relocation Allowance

The university will pay the employee the allowance specified in Section 3.2.4 of this policy to help defray the employee’s expenses for moving household goods and other relocation expenses. Upon the receipt of a signed Relocation Assistance Agreement described in Section 3.2.8 of this policy, the university will pay the allowance articulated in section 3.2.4, less applicable taxes, which payment will be made with the employee's first paycheck. Vehicle

The university will provide up to five days used on a university motor pool vehicle. It does not need to be used on consecutive days. Lodging

If needed, the university will reimburse the employee up to $400 for one night lodging on the day of their arrival. Repayment of Initial Employment Relocation Assistance

An employee who receives initial employment Relocation Assistance under this section is required to pay back the university a pro rata portion of the Relocation Assistance if within 3 years of university employment: (i) the employee voluntarily terminates employment with the university; or (ii) the university terminates the employee’s employment for cause. Employee will repay to the University all money received pursuant to this agreement prorated on a monthly basis such that for each full month during which the Employee remained an employee of the University, the amount be repaid shall be reduced by one thirty sixth (1/36) of the amount received.

3.2.3 End-of-Employment Relocation Assistance

Employees with at least five years of continuous service at BYU–Hawaii, who formally retire from the university (and do not seek new employment with any institution affiliated with DMBA), may receive end-of-employment Relocation Assistance. Employees must relocate their primary household to a new residence within six months of the employee’s official retirement date in order to claim the end-of-employment Relocation Assistance.

The end-of-employment Relocation Assistance consists of the following: Travel Allowance

For employees relocating outside of Oahu, Travel Services will provide one-way airline tickets for the employee and each of the employee’s Family Members from Honolulu to an airport convenient to the employee’s relocated residence . This travel allowance assistance may not be taken as cash in lieu of airfare and may not exceed $750 per flight. Relocation Allowance

An employee who is eligible for end-of-employment Relocation Assistance will receive her/his allowance payment on the same date as the employee’s last paycheck. The university will pay the allowance amount specified in Section 3.2.4 to assist with the employee’s expenses incident to relocating. New Employer Relocation Assistance

Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, any end-of-employment Relocation Assistance available to an employee may be offset by relocation assistance offered to the employee and his/her Family Members by the employee’s new employer at the time of the relocation. If the employee declines any relocation assistance offered by her/his new employer, she/he is ineligible for any end-of-employment Relocation Assistance from the university.

3.2.4 Allowances

The following allowances are based on container shipping rates and may be updated periodically at the sole discretion of the President’s Council. The intent is to help offset the cost of relocation, not necessarily to fund it wholly.

For initial employment Relocation Assistance and for end-of-employment Relocation Assistance for eligible retirees:

Outside Hawaii$15,000
On-Island (Employees relocating 25 miles or more from original destination)$700

3.2.5 University Services and Liability

Travel Services will make all airline ticketing arrangements authorized under this policy for the eligible employee and her/his eligible Family Members.

The employee is responsible for selecting and contracting with companies to move household goods, vehicles, and personal effects to and from Oahu. The university assumes no liability for damaged or lost goods.

3.2.6 Family Members of Deceased Employees

Should an eligible employee pass away while in university employment, the employee’s surviving eligible Family Members will receive the full Relocation Assistance shown in Section 3.2.4 after applicable taxes.

3.2.7 Families with More Than One Eligible Employee

The Relocation Assistance is to provide assistance for relocating employees, dependents, and household goods. In cases where an eligible employee whose lawful spouse is also an eligible employee, a double benefit will not be paid since the lawful spouse is relocated as part of the same household.

3.2.8 Relocation Agreement

Receipt of any Relocation Assistance under this policy may be contingent on the employee’s acceptance of a Relocation Assistance Agreement stipulating the assistance, the conditions on which the assistance is proffered, and the employee’s obligations for meeting the minimum satisfactory performance period or pay back obligations. No agreement is necessary for end-of-employment Relocation Assistance.

3.3 Exceptions

Only the President’s Council may authorize exceptions to this policy.



Policy Owner: Human Resources Director

Executive Sponsor: Administrative Vice President

Approved by President’s Council: 10/01/2019

Modified: 01/17/2024

Last Reviewed: 01/17/2024

Next Review: 02/02/2025

Full revision history maintained by Office of Compliance & Ethics.