Student Debt
Brigham Young University–Hawaii (“BYU–Hawaii” or “university”) encourages students to be responsible with their financial obligations in relation to their student account by providing clear expectation and procedures.
All student debt from prior semesters must be paid in full before a student may enroll or remain enrolled for the coming semester. Only debt for the current semester will be allowed on the student account. Students with debt from prior semesters will not be able to remain registered or enroll for classes.
The university strictly enforces its student debt policy. Students who have a debt balance at the beginning of a semester will not be able to remain registered or enroll for classes. Immediate consequences include:
- Registered classes for the coming semester will be dropped
- No access to on-campus housing
- No student employment
- SEVIS record terminated (for international students)
- No release of the diploma (for graduating students)