Death of a BYU–Hawaii Employee Skip to main content

Death of a BYU–Hawaii Employee


This policy guides Brigham Young University–Hawaii ("BYU–Hawaii" or "university") administrators when responding to the death of a university non-student employee in a timely, sensitive, and appropriate manner, providing support for an orderly, effective, and caring response. university administrators should be guided by empathy, sensitivity, and support for the bereaved and, in some instances, the need to preserve important evidence.


Notification of an employee’s death occurring on or off campus should be immediately conveyed by university faculty, staff, or students to BYU–Hawaii Campus Safety & Security (808-675-3911). The members of the President’s Council and the director of Human Resources should also be notified immediately. In the event the death occurred on campus, Campus Safety & Security will contact, as appropriate, the Honolulu Police Department and emergency medical providers to attend to the body.

Upon the death of a BYU–Hawaii employee, when deemed appropriate, the President, or designee, will notify the next of kin.


3.1 Applicability

This policy applies to all university faculty, administrative, and staff employees, including full-time and part-time employees. Except as noted in section 3.3 below, this policy does not apply to student employees (see Death of a Student Policy).

3.2 Human Resources Actions

Subject to the direction of the President and the Administrative Vice President, the Director of Human Resources shall:

  • Verify death;
  • Identify emergency contact and provide contact to the President so that the President or designee may provide notification of death after the death has been verified or ensure notification has been provided by law enforcement or other appropriate institution (e.g., The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints );
  • Subsequent to the initial notification, contact next of kin to provide support; and
  • Coordinate any further notification and communications with university communications.

3.3 Separation Actions

The Director of Human Resources shall ensure appropriate separation actions are taken (including for student employees) in a timely manner, including the following:

  • Notify the Benefits Office and Deseret Mutual Benefit Administrators immediately so that a Notice of Claim can be filed on the employee’s group life insurance coverage through the university.
  • Notify the Payroll Office immediately of the termination.
  • Ensure final leave balances are calculated and paid to the employee’s estate.
  • Ensure the employee’s representative is informed regarding retirement accounts and health benefits available to surviving covered dependents.
  • At an appropriate time, request from the employee’s representative return of all institutional property, keys, and employee identification card.
  • Coordinate with the employee’s representative the retrieval of personal effects from the workplace.

3.4 Coordination of Communications

University Communications will be responsible for collecting and disseminating information about an employee death to the external media. University Communications will work with Campus Safety & Security, Human Resources, and the Office of the General Counsel to maintain the accuracy and ensure the legality of the information disseminated. Except as requested by law enforcement, other university personnel should not speculate as to the cause of death or make unauthorized statements assigning responsibility for the cause of death. Responses to requests for information regarding the student or employee by the external media or others should be referred to University Communications.

3.5 International Travel

If an employee death occurs during university-sponsored travel outside of the United States, the designated university employee chaperon should immediately contact local emergency services and the local law enforcement agency. The designated employee should then contact BYU–Hawaii Campus Safety & Security. Campus Safety & Security will contact the appropriate university administrators who will address the situation including providing guidance to the group abroad.

3.6 Privacy

Upon the death of an employee, notifications should be made to a number of campus units to enable necessary administrative actions to be undertaken in a timely manner. Faculty and staff shall use discretion in the use, access to, and disclosure of information related to the employee and his or her death. Any information provided should be approved by University Communications to ensure accuracy. Use, access to, and disclosure of personal information shall be in accordance with relevant privacy laws and regulations.


Death of a Student Policy
Payments Following the Death of Full-Time Employee Policy


Policy Owner: Human Resources Director

Executive Sponsor: Administrative Vice President

Approved by President’s Council: 12/09/2019

Modified: ---

Full revision history maintained by the Office of Compliance & Ethics.