Catering Food on Campus Skip to main content

Catering Food on Campus


This policy helps Brigham Young University–Hawaii (“BYU–Hawaii” or “university”) protect the health of members of the BYU–Hawaii community and ensure that food at university events is prepared and served using safe food-handling practices and in compliance with applicable health laws and regulations.


All university-funded catering and catering to-go events must be catered by BYU–Hawaii Food Services (“BYUH FS”) or BYUH FS approved food vendor.

Request to pre-approve a food vendor must be received by BYUH FS at least two weeks prior to the event. Approved food vendors are expected to adhere to the CES Honor Code dress and grooming standards, and behavior standards while on campus. This policy applies to all university-funded catering for university events on or off campus and non-university funded events on campus.

University-affiliated ecclesiastical units with campus scheduling privileges are exempt from this policy when using the Heber J Grant (HGB) and Stake Center (STC) buildings.


3.1 Definitions

3.1.1 University-funded catering or catering to-go event

Any catering or catering to-go event that is paid for with university funds.

3.1.2 Catering event

A food event (sit-down, served; buffet; or reception).

3.1.3 Catering to-go event

An event/activity in which take-out food is ordered from BYU–Hawaii Catering or an approved food vendor for pick-up or delivery.

3.1.4 Approved food vendor

A food vendor certified and licensed by the State of Hawaii Department of Health and verified by BYUH FS to conduct business at and away from its original food establishment.

3.2 Public Events

All university events that are open to the general public; that are open to the general student body or the campus community; or for which anyone may purchase a ticket to attend are considered public events.

Examples of public events include the following:

  • Athletic events;
  • Wellness events;
  • Student Life events; and
  • Any event sponsored by a university faculty, department, division, club, or academic association to which the general public, the general student body, and/or the general campus community is invited.

All public events that serve or offer food require a permit issued by the State of Hawaii Department of Health. All food at public events must be purchased from BYUH FS or from an approved food vendor. All university units that organize or sponsor public events must coordinate health permits directly with BYUH FS, which holds the annual permits to serve food on campus and coordinates any necessary temporary food permits. As applicable, BYUH FS will also coordinate jointly with university units and approved food vendors. BYUH FS may charge administrative fees to cover the cost of necessary health permits and for use of BYUH FS’ facilities, equipment, supplies, or personnel.

3.2.1 Private Events

Private events are: 1) not open to the public; 2) limited to invited guests or for which an RSVP is required; and, 3) not university-funded.

Private events include the following:

  • Informal potluck lunches, meetings, or parties;
  • Women’s Organization; and,
  • Retirement parties.

Any questions regarding public or private events should be directed to BYUH FS.

3.3 Private Dining Room

BYUH FS offers two private dining rooms, small and large, in the Banyan Dining Hall. These rooms are available by reservation with BYUH FS. Patrons may dine on the all-you-can-eat Banyan Dining Hall menu or order from the BYUH Catering and Take Out menu. No outside food is allowed except for specialty birthday and wedding cakes. Only the Office of the President may grant exceptions to the dining requirement as needed for conducting official university business.

3.4 Approved Food Vendor

BYUH FS is the preferred provider of food and beverages for the campus community. However, university units may use approved food vendors, for both public and private events, provided that the university units and the approved food vendors follow the requirements described in this policy. Approved food vendors may not provide beverages to university units in violation of the negotiated university beverage contract.

The university oversees all food vendors desiring to do business with the university, including outside caterers, activity promoters, fund-raising organizations, and groups or individuals associated with for-profit or nonprofit causes.

Approved food vendors may not use BYUH FS’ facilities, equipment, supplies, or personnel unless they have received prior approval from BYUH FS and paid the applicable fees. Approved food vendors providing services to university units are responsible for all staffing, equipment, small wares (including serving utensils, and linens, etc.) and proper food storage, preparation, and holding. In addition, approved food vendors are also responsible to provide copies of applicable licenses and permits to BYUH FS. BYUH FS reserves the right to inspect approved food vendor’s operations, equipment and supplies prior to, during, and after events.



Policy Owner: Food Services Director

Executive Sponsor: Operations Vice President

Created: January 20, 2010

Last modified: 11/07/2023
Last Reviewed: 08/30/2023
Next review: 06/02/2024

Full revision history maintained by the Office of Compliance & Ethics.