Budget Carryover Skip to main content

Budget Carryover


The Brigham Young University–Hawaii ("BYU–Hawaii" or "university") Budget Carryover Policy is established to ensure unused appropriated funds are returned to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints ("Church") at the end of each year and to provide departments the opportunity to petition for special carryover consideration when there are unique, justifiable circumstances.


Unspent Appropriated Budget: The portion of the annual appropriated operating budget that is remaining after the fiscal year has been closed and the financial reports formerly audited.

Revised Budget: Base budget plus or minus any adjustments made during the calendar year.
Original Equipment Budget: Budget in the equipment category that has not been created by converting from another budget category.


All unspent appropriated budget is returned to the Church with the following exceptions:

  • Equipment Budget: Original equipment budget carries over dollar for dollar to the next year.
  • Encumbrances: Funds encumbered by expense transactions initiated before stated university deadlines in the current year that are charged in the subsequent year, will automatically have budget carried forward provided there is sufficient balance available.
  • 1% Carryover: Up to one percent of the total revised budget (less equipment, and 1% carryover and encumbrance carryover from the prior year) will automatically be carried over to be used the following year provided there is sufficient balance available.
  • Special Carryover Requests: In rare circumstances, such as professional development activities which span more than one fiscal year, expenditures planned for the current year that need to be postponed, or other unique circumstances requiring budget to be carried forward, a formal request may be made to the Budget Director and/or Assistant Controller. These requests are evaluated by a committee and a decision is made in accordance with Church guidelines and university policy.


Budget Adjustment


Policy Owner: Budget Director

Executive Sponsor: Administrative Vice President

Original Approval by President's Council: 11/09/2009
Approved by President’s Council: 11/03/2011

Modified: 8/7/2018

Full revision history maintained by the Office of Compliance & Ethics.