Budget Adjustment Skip to main content

Budget Adjustment


The Budget Adjustment Policy is established to help keep Brigham Young University–Hawaii ("BYU–Hawaii" or "university") within the budget guidelines and limits established and approved by its sponsor, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints ("Church").


Approved appropriated annual budget: The authorized amount of funding, by specific budget category, appropriated for operations and projects by the Budget and Appropriations Committee of the Church and approved by the Council on the Disposition of Tithes.


Non-appropriated entities may transfer funds between budget categories without restriction. With Budget Office approval, entities funded through appropriations may transfer budget to other appropriated entities or within their own area throughout the year within these category restrictions:

3.1 Salaries and Wages

Transfers may be made within all Salary and Wage categories; however, no additional full-time or part-time faculty or staff may be employed in excess of the approved FTE figures.

3.2 Benefits:

Budget may not be transferred into or out of the benefit category.

3.3 Travel:

Budget may not be transferred into or out of the travel category.

3.4 Materials and Supplies and General and Administrative:

Budget may be transferred between these two categories, or from these two categories to Equipment and Physical Facilities.

Equipment: Budget may not be transferred out of this category, however, Materials and Supplies and General and Administrative budget may be transferred into this category.

Physical Facilities: Budget may not be transferred out of this category, however, Materials and Supplies and General and Administrative budget may be transferred into this category.

1% Carryover: Carryover funds have no restrictions. They may be transferred into any of the other categories including Travel and Benefits. Funds must be transferred from this category to be spent and it is the responsibility of each financial entity to initiate these transfers. Non-appropriated entities may transfer funds between budget categories without restriction. With Budget Office approval, entities funded through appropriations may transfer budget to other appropriated entities or within their own area throughout the year within these category restrictions:


Budget Carryover
Budget Transferability Rules


Policy Owner: Budget Director

Executive Sponsor: Administrative Vice President

Original Approval by President's Council: 11/09/2009
Approved by President’s Council: 11/03/2011

Modified: 2/19/2020

Full revision history maintained by the Office of Compliance & Ethics.