Employer Recruiting Skip to main content

Employer Recruiting

1. Purpose

This policy outlines the criteria employers must meet in order to engage in recruiting activities at Brigham Young University–Hawaii ("BYU–Hawaii" or "university").

2. Policy

See implementation below.

3. Implementation

3.1 Employer Services

Employer services include, but are not limited to: career fairs, on-campus recruitment, information sessions, bulletin board advertising, and online job postings. Employers should contact Career Services to engage in any employer services.

3.1.1 Career Fairs

  1. Career Services hosts career fair(s) each academic year.
  2. Career Services invites employers to participate in these events for a set fee.
  3. Employers are required to pay the stated fee in order to participate in each fair.
  4. All fees are due to Career Services on the date stated on the employer registration form.
  5. Any employer who fails to pay for a career fair will not be permitted to participate in future events.
  6. Requests to participate in the career fairs will be considered on an individual basis.

3.1.2 On-Campus Recruiting

  1. Employers should maintain an updated profile with Career Services.
  2. If applicable, employers send company literature and/or position descriptions two weeks prior to the interview date including applications materials.
  3. Career Services will facilitate an interview schedule, collect candidate resumes, and distribute an evaluation form. The schedule will include lunch breaks and other meetings as requested by the employer. Employers are encouraged to complete the evaluation forms to provide relevant feedback.
  4. Employers should inform Career Services if a student does not show for a scheduled interview.
  5. Employers are encouraged to report the results of their recruiting efforts to Career Services, i.e., provide names of candidates who were offered a position and/or hired.

3.1.3 Information Sessions

  1. Employers are encouraged to conduct information sessions regarding their organization and employment opportunities.
  2. Employer information sessions are expected to take place on campus and should be coordinated by Career Services.
  3. Employers may offer food and/or beverages to students attending an information session. Career Services may help to coordinate food/beverage service.
  4. Offering students alcohol, tea, and coffee is prohibited at all recruiting events.
  5. Employers are encouraged to conduct information sessions that are open to all students; however, employers may target information sessions for pre-selected interview candidates. Employers must specify if the information session is to be restricted at the time of reservation, otherwise it is assumed that the information session is open to all students.

3.1.4 On-Line Job Listings.

An employer must be an approved provider to post positions on our campus. See below.

3.2 Registration and Approval Process

Employers must be approved providers in order to engage in campus recruiting.

3.2.1 Employer Registration

Employers must register with Career Services to create an account and a company profile. An email will be sent confirming approval or denial.

Career Services reserves the right to allow access to students and all recruiting privileges including job postings, resume referral, on-campus interviewing, information sessions and tables, and career fair attendance, to any organization; Career Services also reserve the right to edit or delete any job posting, login accounts or other employer information.

3.2.2 National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) Professional Standards

BYU–Hawaii Career Services is a member of the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE). Any interaction with students or alumni must be in compliance with the NACE Principles for Professional Conduct.

3.2.3 Eligible Employers

  1. Must have an "employer-employee" relationship in which there are no fees associated with becoming an employee of the organization other than professional licensure fees that may be necessary.
  2. Must comply with all U.S. Federal, State, and local laws and regulations; i.e. Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), Equal Opportunity Employment Commission (EEOC), etc.

3.2.4 Ineligible providers include the following:

  1. Any employer who does not meet the “Eligible Employer” criteria.
  2. Home based businesses or business.
  3. Personal services which do not require a bachelor degree, i.e. babysitter, housekeeper, temp. labor, etc.
  4. Network marketing organizations and franchise business opportunities; such organizations are those that engage in one or more of the following practices:
    1. Sponsorship of an individual in setting up his/her own business for the purpose of selling products or services and/or recruiting other individuals to set up their own business, i.e. direct sales organizations.
    2. Requirement of an initial investment from an individual, with the organization itself serving as an umbrella or parent corporation. The initial investment may be direct payment of a fixed fee, payment to attend an orientation or training session, and/or purchase of a starter kit.
    3. Compensation is often or exclusively in the form of straight commission, fees from others under their sponsorship in the organization, and/or a percentage of sales generated by others.
  5. Commission-only positions, with exception of those which requires licensure or professional certification recognized by the industry.
  6. Positions which require door-to-door or networking sales and anything that can be construed as part of an employer network marketing stratagem.
  7. U.S. positions where the pay rate is less than the Hawaii state minimum wage (calculated over any time scale such as hourly, weekly, semi-monthly, monthly or annually).
  8. Providers of products or services which are incongruent with the ideals of the CES Honor Code.
  9. Providers who have had a history of fraudulent behavior.

Providers that do not match these criteria may be considered on a case by case basis by Career Services or an academic department or college.

4. Related Policies and Procedures


Policy Owner: Human Resources Director

Executive Sponsor: Administrative Vice President

Created: 04/05/2012

Last Reviewed: 10/20/2020
Last Modified: 10/02/2024
Next Review: 06/25/2026

Full revision history maintained by the Office of Compliance & Ethics.