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The purpose of internships is to increase students’ employability and make it more feasible to return and serve in their home countries. Additionally, an internship opportunity should advance program outcomes.


Internships prior to the end of the student’s studies at the university must fit within the student’s enrollment time allotment. An internship at the end of the student’s studies may extend beyond the time allotment if the following criteria are all met:

  1. The internship is registered as part-time (fewer than 12 credits fall or winter or fewer than 8 credits spring).
  2. The internship is not classified as a reduced course load.
  3. All other graduation requirements have been completed or will be completed away from campus.
  4. For international students, the internship is completed outside the United States of America (U.S.).


3.1 Eligibility

Students must have completed at least 60 credits total, as well as at least 8 credits within the field of study. Individual programs may apply additional requirements. In addition, the student must be in good academic, financial, Title IX, and honor code standing while preparing for, immediately upon leaving, and during the full internship period. It is also expected that students will attend an internship preparation workshop to prepare to represent the university.

3.2 Credits

Internship credit is awarded based on the normal academic standard of 45 hours/credit/semester. These hours may include preparation, training, reflection, writing, completion of the internship, and final presentation. Internship credit awarded will reflect the actual work completed. This will be pre-determined by the faculty coordinator and outlined in the internship agreement between student and faculty.

All international students are required by law to be full-time students during internship semesters completed during the students’ allotment. This full-time status can be achieved completely with internship hours or with a combination of internship and other classes. If online classes are used to reach full time status, at least 9 credits must be face-to-face classes (including the internship) during fall or winter semesters, and at least 6 credits must be face-to-face for spring semester.

Domestic students are not required by law to be registered full-time during internship semesters, although they must understand that the normal student benefits associated with full-time status will not be available if they register for fewer than 12 total credits during fall or winter semesters or 8 total credits during spring semester.

If an internship falls in the last semester within the student’s allotment, they can qualify for a reduced course load by meeting with their Academic Advisor. However, a reduced course load will not be granted for any internship semesters allowed beyond the student’s allotment (see above).

3.3 Tuition

Internship credits are charged at a one-half tuition rate. Any other courses enrolled in during the same semester are charged the full tuition rate.

3.4 Registration

Students will register within the semester in which the internship begins. If the internship spans multiple semesters, it will be registered in both semesters with credits awarded proportional to the amount of work associated with each semester. Summer internships will be registered for the previous spring semester and should be completed by August 30. (Note: International students may not do a U.S. - based summer internship at the end of their studies due to immigrations laws.) Any summer internship which extends into fall semester should be registered as two separate internship experiences - one for summer which is registered for the previous spring, and another for fall with the credits commensurate to the hours completed. Fall internships are expected to last through the end of fall.

3.5 Employment and Benefits

For the details of employment rules and university benefits connected with full-time registration, students should check with the relevant department.

3.6 Application and Approval

Students apply for an internship through the Handshake system (see the Career Services office).
Approval is a three or four-step process involving the following entities. Students should not assume approval until all of the following steps are completed:

  1. Academic appropriateness of the internship relative to the student’s field of study is evaluated by the relevant program internship coordinator, and the internship agreement is created.
  2. Financial, Title IX, and Honor Code standing is evaluated by the Dean of Students Office.
  3. International students must also receive approval from International Student Services. Students should be aware that additional eligibility requirements may exist depending on the type of visa held.
  4. Approval of academic, financial, and policy eligibility is granted by the Career Services.



Policy Owner: Human Resources Director

Executive Sponsor: Administrative Vice President

Created: 01/21/2020

Last Modified: 11/06/2024
Last Reviewed: 10/25/2022
Next Review:

Full revision history maintained by the Office of Compliance & Ethics.