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Flags on Campus

1. Purpose

This policy is to guide Brigham Young University–Hawaii (“BYU–Hawaii” or “university”) in making decisions for displaying flags in an acceptable manner and that complies with federal and state laws. The appropriate display of flags is used to recognize the diversity of students and faculty at Brigham Young University–Hawaii.

2. Policy

BYU–Hawaii’s mission “is to prepare students of Oceania and the Asian Rim to be lifelong disciples of Jesus Christ and leaders in their families, communities, chosen fields, and in building the kingdom of God.” As a result, the university only flies the flags of the United States, the State of Hawaii, and countries from Oceania and the Asian Rim where current students have resided.

3. Implementation

3.1 Flags on Campus

The university flies the flags of United States, the State of Hawaii, and countries from Oceania and the Asian Rim where students have resided. At the university's discretion, it may also include flags of non-self-governing territories in those areas. The university reserves the right to choose which flags to fly on any given occasion and will not always fly all eligible flags.

The university does not fly state flags, other than Hawaii, nor tribal nations, organizational, movements, or heritage flags.

3.2 Protocols

Protocols for flags and flag handling follow applicable federal and state law. Normally, flags are illuminated at night rather than lowered. The university keeps flags in good order and replaces them as needed.

As the host nation of the university, the United States and Hawaii flags are displayed at the head or primary location. All other flags are displayed alphabetically based on their English names.

3.3 Half-staff

BYU–Hawaii lowers the United States and Hawaii flags to half-staff when the Hawaii State Governor or the President of the United States have issued proclamations or directives accordingly. The flag is also set to half-staff for certain holidays such as Memorial Day, Patriot Day, and Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day. The protocol is to remove all other flags when ordered to have the United States and Hawaii flags are at half-staff.

Facilities Management is responsible to lower and raise the flags as needed under executive and state orders for proper flag protocol.

3.4 Flag Changes/Additions

New flags are added to, or removed from, the flag circle at the discretion of the President’s Council. The advancement vice president is the only one authorized by the university to announce changes to the list of countries whose flags are displayed in the flag circle.

4. Related Policies and Procedures


Policy Owner: Advancement Vice President
Executive Sponsor: Advancement Vice President

Created: 09/17/2024

Last Modified: 09/17/2024

Last Reviewed: 09/17/2024

Next Review: 09/17/2026

Full revision history maintained by the Office of Compliance & Ethics.