Student Employment Skip to main content

Student Employment


The Student Employment Policy is designed to ensure students employed by BYU–Hawaii and the Polynesian Cultural Center (PCC) are informed of all the privileges and responsibilities provided to them as employees. Included in this policy are the processes of eligibility, hiring, and compensation.


Students are only allowed to work a maximum of 19 hours per week except when school is not in session. BYU–Hawaii student employees working at the PCC will be considered co-employees of BYU–Hawaii and PCC as indicated in the “Professional Employment Services Agreement.” A student working on campus may transfer to the PCC or vice versa, provided a job clearance is secured.

IWORK students are normally employed at PCC and must meet certain requirements in order to transfer to a campus job. [See IWORK Policies and Procedures.]

University policies and procedures should be followed at all times, along with any others set by the department. Non-compliance with these may result in discipline or discharge.

Safety of both students and all other employees is the main priority of the university. Accidents, illnesses, unsafe practices, or emergencies should be handled immediately.

General Policy Statement

This policy should not be interpreted as an employment contract and is not meant to impose any legal obligation upon either the employee or the university. The university reserves the right to make amendments or to terminate changes to any policy and will make every effort to keep all student employees abreast of such changes.



Drug-Free School
Drug-Free Workplace
Honor Code
Time and Labor
Timekeeping System
University Salary


Policy #: HRSD-039

Policy Owner: Director, Human Resources

Executive Sponsor: Administrative Vice President

Approved by President's Council: September 1, 2000
Updated by President’s Council: 02/10/2014

Modified: 8/7/2018

Full revision history maintained by Human Resources.