Student Emergency Leave
Students who have experienced a personal emergency and need to leave school as soon as possible, must make contact with the Vice President for Student Development & Services and complete the required procedure prior to departure. A student may be gone no longer than five school days in any term or semester. IWORK students’ IWORK payback will be waived for up to seven days.
Personal Emergency: criteria defined by DMBA (Deseret Mutual Benefit Administrator) as including the serious illness or death of a near relative (discrimination of near relative requirements will be decided upon by the Vice President for Student Development & Services depending on a student’s situation).
IWORK: International Work Opportunity Returnability Kuleana (Responsibility). A program that exists to provide financial assistance and a quality education to needy international members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints so that they can return home to their countries or regions qualified to provide leadership roles in an international church, in civic and social affiliations, and within their families.
IWORK payback: Personal contribution towards a student's education.