Returned Missionary Early Release Skip to main content

Returned Missionary Early Release


The purpose of this policy is to guide Brigham Young University–Hawaii (“BYU–Hawaii” or “university”) on how to readmit missionaries who have been released early from their mission.


For missionaries who return from a mission before they have completed the entire prescribed mission as outlined in the call (namely 24 months for young men and 18 months for young women), we will apply the following rules:


If the missionary has been sent home dishonorably because of worthiness issues or at their own insistence, we need to wait for one year from his/her departure date from the mission before we can accept an application for review. This means that the applicant will need to wait until the semester which begins after the one year period has ended.

If the missionary was sent home for personal reasons not related to worthiness (ex. personal struggles, homesickness, etc.), the applicant will need to wait six months before we can accept their application for review.

If the missionary was sent home for medical reasons, the applicant will need to wait six months before we can accept their application for review. However, if it is deemed that the medical issue is truly one that is obvious and can be legitimized, we have the right to review and determine if the young man or woman can come to school before the six month waiting period. Such cases should be handled by the Admissions Exceptions Committee and the university chaplain.



Policy Owner: Dean of Students

Executive Sponsor: Student Life Vice President

Created: 10/11/2012
Last Review: 07/21/2021
Next Review: 09/15/2026

Last Modified: 02/04/2025

Full revision history maintained by the Office of Compliance & Ethics.