Part-time One Employer
1. Purpose
Brigham Young University–Hawaii (“BYU–Hawaii” or “university”) does not offer medical benefits to part-time employees. To that end, the university will manage part-time employee hours of service, as defined in the Work Hours policy, and the university will only offer benefits to these employees as required by law.
2. Policy
No part-time employee of the university shall have concurrent employment for any other Church- affiliated employer unless specifically excepted. No part-time employee of any other Church-affiliated employer shall be offered concurrent employment for the university unless specifically excepted.
Student employees that are assigned to work at the Polynesian Cultural Center (“PCC”) are still solely employees of BYU–Hawaii and are not considered to be working at another Church-Affiliated Employer. Student employees may not have concurrent employment with any other Church-Affiliated Employer.
3. Implementation
3.1 Definitions
3.1.1 Church-Affiliated Employer
Any entity that employs individuals and is owned or controlled by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
3.1.2 Full-Time Employee
For purposes of this policy, a Full-Time Employee is a salaried employee who is employed in a fully benefited position or an hourly employee who works an average of thirty or more hours per week during a measurement period.
3.1.3 Measurement Period
A period of time from three to twelve months, as determined by the university, exclusive of any breaks in service between four and twenty-six weeks, during which the university counts employee hours of service.
3.1.4 Part-Time Employee
For purposes of this policy, a Part-Time Employee is an employee who is employed in a non-medically benefited position and who works, on average, fewer than thirty hours per week during a measurement period. Although defined in this way, part-time employees may not average more than twenty-eight hours of service per week during a measurement period.
3.2 Exceptions
Any exceptions to these rules, which should be rare, are to be reviewed and approved by the President’s Council. The President’s Council will not approve an individual for concurrent part-time employment where the expected cumulative hours of service for the university and any other Church-affiliated employer will be an average of more than twenty-eight hours per week during a measurement period.
3.3 Full-Time Employees and part-time employment
Full-Time Employees of the university may have concurrent part-time employment for other Church-Affiliated Employers to the extent that having the concurrent part-time employment is consistent with university policy, including the Conflict of Interest policy.
Medically benefited Full-Time Employees of other Church-Affiliated Employers may have concurrent part-time employment at the university only for the duration of their full-time employment with the other Church-Affiliated Employer. If a part-time employee for the university who is also a medically benefited Full-Time Employee for another Church-Affiliated Employer terminates his or her full-time employment, or has his or her Full-Time Employment terminated by the other Church-affiliated employer, his or her Part-Time Employment for the university must also be terminated at the same time, and that employee may not be re-hired into a part-time position at the university for at least twenty-six weeks.
3.4 Break in Service
If an individual who was employed and terminated by any Church-Affiliated Employer earlier in the current Measurement Period is hired by the university into a part-time position, that employee cannot average more than twenty-eight hours of service per week when all the hours worked during the measurement period for other Church-Affiliated Employers and the university are averaged together. In addition, if an individual was employed in a full-time medically benefited position for another Church-Affiliated Employer, and that full-time medically benefited employment is terminated, then that individual cannot have part-time employment for the university for at least twenty-six weeks after the termination of the Full-Time Employment for the other Church-Affiliated Employer.