This policy has been developed to help manage the risks associated with fire as a means to help protect the safety of Brigham Young University–Hawaii (“BYU–Hawaii” or “university”) faculty, staff, students, visitors, and campus infrastructure.
The university is committed to creating a campus environment that is safe and that adheres to all federal campus safety laws. This policy is adopted in compliance with 20 U.S.C. § 1092(i). BYU–Hawaii complies with applicable fire and building safety laws.
Includes but is not limited to cutting and welding with torches. Hot work being performed outside of designated areas must obtain a "Hot Work Permit" before performing the following: brazing, cutting, grinding, soldering, welding, the use of propane heaters, or the use of any pyrotechnic device (see university's Fire Prevention/Protection Program for details).
3.1.3 Open flame devices
Includes but is not limited to candles, incense, wax warmers, fireworks, barbecue grills, torches, and other incendiary devices.
3.1.4 University building
Includes but is not limited to classrooms, laboratories, dormitories, married student housing, etc.
3. 2 Responsibilities
3.2.1 University Safety Officer
Under the direction of the chief compliance officer, the university safety officer shall implement the university’s Fire Prevention/Protection Program including the following:
Scheduling and coordinating required surveys and inspections.
Managing the fire drill plan.
Managing the fire alarm and fire suppression testing plan.
Fire safety training.
Managing the hot work program.
Monitoring implementation of recommended improvements to the university's Fire Prevention/Protection Program.
3.2.2 Campus University Safety Officer
Safety & Risk Management shall prepare and maintain a Fire Prevention/Protection Program that defines and documents the university’s fire safety program, including compliance with federal and state fire safety regulations.
3.2.3 Facilities Management
Facilities Management shall coordinate with Safety & Risk Management to ensure fire safety alert and suppression systems are properly installed as required by applicable building and fire codes and are maintained and tested as required.
3.2.4 Building Coordinators
Individuals designated as fire safety officers for selected facilities shall
Obtain the necessary training regarding their responsibilities;
Develop an individual fire safety plan for their facility;
Ensure the facility has the required evacuation plans and notices; and,
Ensure employees in the facility understand their responsibilities in the event of an evacuation.
3.2.5 All Faculty, staff, and students
All faculty, staff, and students are responsible to understand and act on the following:
Know what action to take in the event of discovering a fire;
Upon hearing a fire alarm, evacuate the building by the nearest emergency exit;
Comply with all fire safety instructions provided by the university and its officers; and,
Not tamper with any fire safety equipment provided by the university.
3.3 Prohibitions
Open flames and flammable liquids are not permitted in BYU–Hawaii hales, Temple View Apartments, on-campus employee housing, or open spaces except for designated food preparation areas, science laboratories, ceramics studio, and designated maintenance hot work areas. Safety & Risk Management must approve any temporary deviation from the fire codes.
The possession or use of fireworks, sky lanterns, pyrotechnic special effects, or blank shots is strictly prohibited on university property except as authorized by Safety & Risk Management.
3.4 Fire Safety Education and Training Programs
The university offers fire safety education and training programs to all students living in on-campus housing.
3.5 Procedures to Follow in Case of a Fire
In the event fire or smoke has been detected:
Pull fire alarm and notify Safety & Risk Management (808) 675-3911.
Call 911 for fire department.
Shut doors, close windows.
Evacuate to at least 300 feet from the fire.
Public Safety will ensure evacuation of BYU–Hawaii or PCC, whichever is experiencing hazardous material exposure.
Campus Security will ensure that the building has been evacuated.
Do not re-enter building(s) until declared safe by emergency services personnel.
Safety & Risk Management will notify employees, customers, students, and staff of termination of emergency.
Evacuate to at least 300 feet from the fire and away from areas that may be accessed by first responders. Residents should gather at building assembly points.