Employee Verification & Recommendation Letters Skip to main content

Employee Verification & Recommendation Letters

1. Purpose

Brigham Young University–Hawaii ("BYU–Hawaii" or "university") limits the release of information of former employees.

2. Policy

The university will release limited, accurate and general information regarding an employee’s employment at BYU–Hawaii when requested by the employee or a third party with appropriate authorization. All requests should be referred to the Human Resources office. Human Resources will only provide job title and employment dates. If the request has a signed release from the former employee, BYU–Hawaii may provide additional information.

3. Implementation

  1. Employee – any current or past individual that is or was employed by the university.
  2. Third Party – anyone other than the employee requesting reference in the employee’s behalf such as a family member or outside organization/vendor.
  3. Appropriate Authorization – the former or current employee provides their signature or personal authorization to release their employment information.



Policy Owner: Director of Human Resources

Executive Sponsor: Administrative Vice President

Created: 02/11/2013

Last Modified: 01/31/2025
Last Reviewed: 02/20/2020
Next Review: 12/24/2026

Full revision history maintained by Office of Compliance & Ethics.