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1. Purpose

Brigham Young University–Hawaii ("BYU–Hawaii" or "university"), recognizing the significance of electronic communication, has established e-mail as an official means of communication. Emergency notifications, educational dialogue, research and general business correspondence are all consistently enhanced in institutions of higher learning where e-mail policies exist and are supported by procedures, practice and culture.

2. Policy


This policy applies to all users of the BYU–Hawaii email system regardless of affiliation, and irrespective of whether the e-mail system is accessed from on-campus or off-campus locations. An individual user on the BYU–Hawaii email system will have a mailbox size of 50 GB and can send/receive attachments up to 25 MB.

A. The university expects that students, faculty, and staff will receive e-mail at their BYU–Hawaii e-mail address and will read email on a frequent and consistent basis.

B. Failure to receive and read university communication in a timely manner does not absolve users from knowing and complying with the content of such communications.

C. An official BYU–Hawaii e-mail address is required for official communication. BYU–Hawaii email addresses are established and assigned by the Office of Information Technology. Aliases may be requested as approved by department heads and the Office of Information Technology.

D. University departments are expected to use a BYU–Hawaii email address for official communication. Gmail, Yahoo!, Hotmail, and all other domains are not to be used by departments or programs for official communication.

E. General university announcements and/or communication through email should be directed through the University Communications office.

F. BYU–Hawaii email services are to be used only for approved university-sponsored business and communication.

G. Users of the BYU–Hawaii email system shall not send mass email to any group of recipients larger than 500 recipients inside or outside of BYU–Hawaii. Exceptions to this limit are approved by the University Communications office and managed by the Office of Information Technology.

H. Sending or forwarding email containing libelous, defamatory, offensive, racist, or obscene remarks or content is prohibited. All use of email should be consistent with other BYU–Hawaii policies, including the Honor Code.

I. Users should have no expectation of privacy in emails sent, received, or stored on the university system. Emails may be monitored without prior notification if deemed necessary. If there is evidence that users are not adhering to this policy, the university reserves the right to take disciplinary action, including termination and/or legal action.

J. Access to email following separation/retirement: When an individual ends employment with the university, they may be granted up to two weeks of access to their email account following separation from the university. If the individual is officially retiring from employment at BYU–Hawaii, they may keep their email address as approved by Human Resources. Student email addresses ( may be kept by the individual student for life.


Policy Owner: Chief Information Officer

Executive Sponsor: Administrative Vice President

Approved by President's Council: October 26, 2015


Full revision history maintained by the Office of Compliance & Ethics.