Student Ecclesiastical Endorsement Exception
All prospective and current students are required to have a current ecclesiastical endorsement to be admitted to and continue enrollment at Brigham Young University–Hawaii (“BYU–Hawaii” or “university”). This policy provides the process through which a prospective or continuing student may request an exception to the ecclesiastical endorsement requirement.
Prospective and continuing students are required to have a current ecclesiastical endorsement to be admitted to or continue enrollment at BYU–Hawaii. A prospective or continuing student who is currently excommunicated, disfellowshipped, on probation, or disaffiliated from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (“Church”), or who otherwise lacks an ecclesiastical endorsement, may request an exception to the ecclesiastical endorsement requirement by completing the form “Request for Exception to Ecclesiastical Endorsement Requirement” and submitting it to the student life vice president. The burden of persuasion is upon the student to clearly demonstrate that the relevant facts and circumstances warrant an exception. The vice president will evaluate the submission and make a recommendation to the university president. The university president will make the final decision.
3.1 Definitions
3.1.1 Request for Exception
A prospective or continuing student who seeks an exception to the ecclesiastical endorsement requirement must submit the form Request for Exception to Ecclesiastical Endorsement Requirement
3.1.2 University Authorities
This term is defined as the university president; student life vice president; dean of students; and office of honor manager.
3.2 Scope of Control
3.2.1 Prospective Students
Every applicant for admission to BYU–Hawaii is required to obtain, as a condition of enrollment, an ecclesiastical endorsement that certifies that the applicant has been and is abiding by the rules and standards of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and commits to follow the Church Educational System (CES) Honor Code
After reviewing the applicant’s Request for Exception to Ecclesiastical Endorsement Requirement form, the student life vice president will make a recommendation to the president of the university, who has the sole authority to grant the exception. The president will grant an exception only in very limited cases at the president’s sole discretion.
If an exception is granted, the individual will be permitted to enroll as a student without an ecclesiastical endorsement for up to one semester. An Honor Code hold will be placed on the student’s record for that time. The student must obtain an ecclesiastical endorsement to continue enrollment after the semester.
3.2.2 Continuing Students
Continuing students whose ecclesiastical endorsement has been withdrawn may request an exception to the ecclesiastical endorsement requirement by submitting a Request for Exception to Ecclesiastical Endorsement Requirement form to the student life vice president. After reviewing the applicant’s request for an exception, the vice president will make a recommendation to the president of the university, who has the sole authority to grant the exception.
If an exception is granted, the individual will be permitted to continue enrollment without an ecclesiastical endorsement for up to one semester. An Honor Code hold will be placed on the student’s record for that time. The student must obtain an ecclesiastical endorsement to continue enrollment after the semester.
3.3 Authority to Dismiss from the University
Only University Authorities can require dismissal from the university. University Authorities may take into consideration an ecclesiastical leader’s recommendations; however, ultimate authority lies with the university.