Campus Devotionals Skip to main content

Campus Devotionals


Weekly campus devotionals are to gather as a campus community for a regular opportunity to experience the influence of the Holy Ghost through student-focused messages centered on the gospel of Jesus Christ. Attending devotionals in-person fosters a profound sense of belonging, connection, and unity within the university community.

This policy is established to ensure that the Brigham Young University–Hawaii (“BYU–Hawaii” or “university”) community can fully participate in and benefit from the weekly devotionals, reinforcing our commitment to spiritual growth and unity.


Attending campus devotionals is a core responsibility for all members of BYU–Hawaii. In-person attendance is expected.


3.1 Schedule

Devotionals are typically held on Tuesdays at 11:00 am in the Cannon Activities Center.

3.2 Attendance Requirements

  • Attending campus devotionals is a core responsibility for all members of BYU–Hawaii. In-person attendance is expected. 
  • Student employees should be clocked out during this time. 
  • For non-student employees, the time spent attending devotionals should be counted as hours worked. 
  • Any exceptions must be approved by the line vice president. 

3.3 Campus Operations

  • No classes are scheduled during the reserved devotional times. 
  • All campus offices and services are required to be closed during campus devotionals from 10:50 am to 11:50 am. 
  • Any exceptions must be approved by the line vice president. 

3.4 Speaker Approval

All speakers for devotionals must be cleared by the CES Executive Committee and the Church Board of Education before being approached regarding participation.

Proposed names must be submitted to the President’s Council for review. If approved, the Office of the President will oversee the preparation of potential speaker information for submission to the Executive Committee.

4. Related Policies and Procedures


Policy Owner: Advancement Vice President

Executive Sponsor: University President

Created: 09/01/2000
Last Reviewed: 8/20/2024
Next Review: 10/01/2027

Last Modified: 8/20/2024

Full revision history maintained by the Office of Compliance & Ethics.