Non-Disclosure of Transcripts or Previous School Enrollment Skip to main content

Non-Disclosure of Transcripts or Previous School Enrollment


This policy is to guide Brigham Young University–Hawaii (“BYU–Hawaii” or “university”) in situations where not all information was provided or available in admissions procedures.


As per Church Educational System (CES) instructions as stated in the Admissions Instructions and in Part 1 of the application under Educational History (b)

“Because of enrollment limitations, BYU, BYU–Idaho and BYU–Hawaii will not admit a student who has previously received a degree equivalent to the one sought. Failure to provide complete data will result in dismissal from the university.”

“List all colleges/universities you have attended or are currently attending. This includes any colleges/universities you have received concurrent credit from while in high school and any international colleges/universities you attended whether you are changing fields or not. Not listing all institutions both U.S. and international you have attended/are attending can result in a loss of credit and dismissal. It is your responsibility to make sure an official transcript from each institution, including LDS Institute, is submitted before the application deadline.” (b)

2.1 Upon Discovery

When it is discovered that a student has attended an institution, either secondary, post-secondary, or higher education without disclosing the enrollment time period and submitting a valid transcript for that time period, the following determinations will be made by an investigating admissions staff member:

2.1.1. Cause of discovery:

  1. Did the student reveal the information willingly to BYU–Hawaii after realizing the school did not have the information?
  2. Did a CES admissions staff member discover the omission during the admissions/enrollment process?
  3. Was the information brought to the attention of BYU–Hawaii by a third party?

2.1.2 Intent – Omission of the information:

  1. Is an unintentional mistake realized later but not brought forward until after the admissions process was completed?
  2. Is due to a misunderstanding of CES admissions application process due to language, educational systems, or cultural practices?
  3. Is intentional for the purpose of misleading the admissions process in order to gain admission to the university, restart a post-secondary educational career, and/or, otherwise take advantage of university policies and procedures.

2.2 Upon determination

Upon determination of the cause of discovery and the intent of omission, Admissions personnel and interested university administration will move forward with appropriate action. The options include, but are not limited to the following:

  1. No additional record on the student account is necessary and no university credit is transferred.
  2. Record omitted information onto student account and application history, possibility of university transfer credit, and no disciplinary action against the student.
  3. Record omitted information onto student account and application history, possibility of university transfer credit, and probationary disciplinary action against the student with notification to the Office of Honor.
  4. Record omitted information onto student account and application history, possibility of university transfer credit, a review of student eligibility for upcoming or current semester(s), disciplinary action against the student that can include probation, short-term suspension or long-term suspension and can include loss of earned credits while at BYU–Hawaii.
  5. Record omitted information onto student’s account and application history with disciplinary action including immediate long-term suspension or expulsion from university, and can include loss of earned credits while at BYU–Hawaii.


3.1 Definitions

3.1.1 Post-Secondary

Post-Secondary – Includes any non-higher education program student participated in after completion of secondary program. This does not include certain vocational skills training centers, career specific training centers, non-credit military or religious training, or non-credit certification courses.

3.1.2 Higher-Education

Higher-Education – College or university that provides transcripts and records of enrollment toward awarding of degrees or certifications.

3.1.3 Valid Transcript

Valid Transcript– Transcript submitted by the issuing institution directly to the university or CES system (see Transcript policies for further questions).

3.2 Discovery

It was discovered that some students have not been forthcoming with previous school attendance and courses taken. Students were coming in after the start of a semester or prior to applying for graduation to receive credit for non-reviewed courses that would have put their initial acceptance to the university in question. Some students were also discovered to have intentionally withheld information for the purpose of gaining admission without accountability for previous university education.



Policy Owner: Dean of Students

Executive Sponsor: Student Life Vice President

Created: 01/21/2014
Last Reviewed: 09/12/2024
Next Review: 10/22/2027

Last Modified: 10/02/2024

Full revision history maintained by the Office of Compliance & Ethics